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.NET Core 3.0+

IModelClass Members

The Class node defines a persistent class from the business model, and provides access to its members list.


Name Description
AllMembers Represents a collection of the class’ members.
Application Provides access to the Application Model‘s root node. Inherited from IModelNode.
BaseClass Indicates the current class’ base class.
Caption Specifies the current class’ caption.
DefaultDetailView Specifies what Detail View is displayed for the current object in any scenario, by default.
DefaultDetailViewImage Specifies the name of the image that is displayed in the default Detail View of the current class.
DefaultListView Specifies what List View is displayed for the current object in any scenario, by default.
DefaultListViewAllowEdit Specifies whether inplace editing is allowed in the default List View.
DefaultListViewImage Specifies the name of the image that is displayed in the default Detail View of the current class.
DefaultListViewMasterDetailMode Specifies whether to display the default Detail View near the current List View.
DefaultLookupEditorMode Specifies the default mode for Lookup Property Editors bound to reference properties of the current type.
DefaultLookupListView Specifies what Lookup List View is displayed for the current object in any scenario, by default.
DefaultProperty Specifies the property that represents the current class in a Property Editor by default.
EditorType Specifies the List Editor that is used for objects of the current class in a UI.
FriendlyKeyProperty Specifies the property that is considered an analog of the BaseObject.Oid property, to use more suitable values.
ImageName Specifies the name of the image that is displayed for the current class.
Index Specifies the order index by which nodes are arranged. Inherited from IModelNode.
InterfaceLinks Specifies Domain Components aggregated by the current Domain Component.
IsCreatableItem Indicates whether the current class can represent an item in the New Action, when objects of another type are displayed in the List View.
KeyProperty Specifies the property that is considered a key.
ListEditorsType Returns a collection of List Editor types available for objects of the current class.
Name Indicates the current class type.
NodeCount Gets the number of child nodes. Inherited from IModelNode.
ObjectCaptionFormat Specifies the format of the current class caption.
OwnMembers Provides access to the OwnMembers node.
Parent Provides access to the parent node. Inherited from IModelNode.
Root For internal use only. Inherited from IModelNode.
ShortName Specifies the current class’ short name.
TypeInfo Supplied metadata information on the current business class.


Name Description
AddNode<NodeType>() Adds a new child node of a specific type. Inherited from IModelNode.
AddNode<NodeType>(String) Adds a new child node of a specific type with a specific identifier. Inherited from IModelNode.
ClearValue(String) Resets the node’s property value to the value specified in the previous Application Model layer. Inherited from IModelNode.
FindMember(String) Returns an IModelMember node representing a specific property.
FindOwnMember(String) Returns an IModelMember node, representing a specific property declared in the current class.
GetNode(Int32) Gets the child node with a specific index. Inherited from IModelNode.
GetNode(String) Gets the child node with a specific identifier. Inherited from IModelNode.
GetValue<ValueType>(String) Returns the value of the node’s specified property. Inherited from IModelNode.
HasValue(String) Indicates whether the node’s property has a value assigned. Inherited from IModelNode.
Remove() Removes the current node. Inherited from IModelNode.
SetValue<ValueType>(String, ValueType) Changes the value of the node’s specified property. Inherited from IModelNode.
See Also