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.NET Core 3.0+

ListView Class

Represents a List View.

Namespace: DevExpress.ExpressApp

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v19.2.dll


public class ListView :


The ListView class allows you to view or edit an objects collection.

List Views take part in the automatic UI construction, so you do not spend time on ListView objects creation. However, you can influence this process by editing the Application Model‘s Views | <ListView> (LookupListView) node. Via this node, you can specify the type of objects to be represented, the columns to be displayed and, order and visibility of these columns.

If you need to customize a List View in code, you can access it via a Frame.View or ViewController.View property. Use a List View’s ObjectView.ObjectTypeInfo property to specify the type of objects to be represented; the ListView.CollectionSource property - to specify the objects and their properties to be displayed. To perform custom actions when an object in a List View’s editor is double-clicked, handle the ListViewProcessCurrentObjectController.CustomProcessSelectedItem event.

The ObjectView class, which is the base class for the ListView class, has one more descendant - the DetailView class. This class is used to represent an individual object.

The following code snippet (auto-collected from DevExpress Examples) contains a reference to the ListView class.


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See Also