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.NET Framework 4.6.2+

ITypeInfo Members

Declares members implemented by classes that supply metadata information on a type.


Name Description
AssemblyInfo Supplies metadata on the assembly in which the type is declared.
Attributes Inherited from IBaseInfo.
Base Supplies metadata on a type from which the current type directly inherits.
DeclaredDefaultMember Supplies metadata on the type’s property declared as the default.
DefaultMember Returns metadata on the current type’s default member.
Descendants Supplies metadata on the current type’s descendants.
FullName Specifies the fully qualified name of the type.
HasDescendants Indicates whether the type has descendants.
HasPublicConstructor Indicates whether the type has a public constructor.
ImplementedInterfaces Supplies metadata on the interfaces implemented or inherited by the current type.
Implementors If the current type is an interface, this property supplies metadata on the types implementing or inheriting this interface.
IsAbstract Indicates whether the type is abstract.
IsDomainComponent Indicates whether the type represents a domain component.
IsInterface Indicates whether the type is an interface.
IsListType Indicates whether the type is a list type.
IsNullable Indicates whether the type is a nullable type.
IsPersistent Indicates whether the type is persistent.
IsValueType Indicates whether the type is a value type.
IsVisible Indicates whether the type is visible in the Application Model.
KeyMember Supplies metadata on the type’s primary key member.
KeyMembers Supplies metadata on the type’s key members.
Members Supplies metadata on the members declared in the current type and inherited from the base types.
Name Specifies the type’s name.
OwnMembers Supplies metadata on the members declared in the current type.
ReferenceToOwner If the current type contains a property which holds a reference to an object which owns aggregated objects, the ReferenceToOwner supplies metadata on this property.
Type Specifies the type represented by the current ITypeInfo object.
UnderlyingTypeInfo Supplies metadata on the underlying type argument of the current nullable type.


Name Description
AddAttribute(Attribute) Dynamically associates an attribute to the current type at run time. Inherited from IBaseInfo.
AddExtender<T>(T) Extends the current IBaseInfo object with additional metadata. Inherited from IBaseInfo.
CreateInstance(Object[]) Creates an instance of the current type using the constructor that best matches the specified parameters.
CreateMember(String, Type) Dynamically adds a new member to the current type at run time.
FindAttribute<AttributeType>() Indicates whether an attribute specified by the generic type parameter is associated with the type represented by the current IBaseInfo object. Inherited from IBaseInfo.
FindAttribute<AttributeType>(Boolean) Indicates whether an attribute specified by the generic type parameter is associated with the type represented by the current IBaseInfo object. Inherited from IBaseInfo.
FindAttributes<AttributeType>() Returns the attributes of the type specified by the generic type parameter, associated with the type represented by the current IBaseInfo object. Inherited from IBaseInfo.
FindAttributes<AttributeType>(Boolean) Returns the attributes of the type specified by the generic type parameter, associated with the type represented by the current IBaseInfo object. Inherited from IBaseInfo.
FindMember(String) Supplies metadata on the current type’s member with a specific name.
GetDependentTypes(Predicate<ITypeInfo>) Supplies metadata on the types considered dependent on the current type.
GetExtender<T>() Provides access to additional metadata. Inherited from IBaseInfo.
GetRequiredTypes(Predicate<ITypeInfo>) Supplies metadata on the types considered required by the current type.
Implements<InterfaceType>() Indicates whether the type implements a specific interface.
IsAssignableFrom(ITypeInfo) Indicates whether the type can be assigned from a specific type.
See Also