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.NET Framework 4.6.2+

AppearanceController.RefreshItemAppearance(IViewInfo, String, String, Object, Object[], EvaluatorContextDescriptor) Method

Collects and applies the conditional appearance rules appropriate for the specified UI element with a context descriptor specified.

Namespace: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ConditionalAppearance

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ConditionalAppearance.v24.2.dll


public virtual void RefreshItemAppearance(
    IViewInfo view,
    string itemType,
    string itemName,
    object item,
    object[] contextObjects,
    EvaluatorContextDescriptor evaluatorContextDescriptor


Name Type Description
view DevExpress.ExpressApp.Editors.IViewInfo

A View object that is the View in which the target UI element (View Item, Layout Item or Group) is contained. If the target UI element is an Action, this View is the one for which it is activated.

itemType String

A string that is the type of the target UI element whose conditional appearance is about to be refreshed.

itemName String

A string that is the identifier of the UI element whose conditional appearance is about to be refreshed.

item Object

An UI element whose conditional appearance is about to be refreshed by applying the appropriate rules.

contextObjects Object[]

An object that contains the properties whose controls or layout items are about to be refreshed by applying the appropriate rules. When the target item is an Action, the selected object(s) is passed as this parameter.

evaluatorContextDescriptor DevExpress.Data.Filtering.Helpers.EvaluatorContextDescriptor

An EvaluatorContextDescriptor object that is a context descriptor used for checking whether the context object passed as the contextObject parameter satisfies the criteria specified by a rule’s IAppearanceRuleProperties.Criteria property.


Override this method when you need to implement a custom appearance refresh of the specified item.

See Also