ActionBase Properties
The base class for Actions.Name | Description |
ActionMeaning | Specifies whether an Action is represented by an accept, cancel or ordinal button in a Window Forms application’s pop-up Windows. |
Active | Gets a collection of reason/value pairs used to determine or change the Action‘s active state. The resulting state determines the Action’s visibility. |
Application | Provides access to an XafApplication object that can be used to manage an application. |
CanRaiseEvents protected | Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event. Inherited from Component. |
Caption | Specifies an Action‘s caption. |
Category | Specifies an Action‘s category. |
ConfirmationMessage | Specifies the confirmation message displayed when an end-user executes an Action. |
Container | Gets the IContainer that contains the Component. Inherited from Component. |
Controller | Provides access to an Action‘s Controller. |
Data | For internal use. |
DesignMode protected | Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode. Inherited from Component. |
DiagnosticInfo | Specifies information on an Action. This information is appended to the information on the remaining Actions and their Controllers and displayed via the DiagnosticInfo Action. |
Enabled | Provides access to a collection of key/value pairs used to determine an Action‘s enabled/disabled state. A Disabled Action is visible in the UI, but it is grayed out and cannot be executed. |
Events protected | Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component. Inherited from Component. |
HasImage | Indicates whether an Action has an image assigned to it. |
Id | Specifies an Action‘s identifier. |
ImageName | Specifies a name of the image displayed for an Action. |
IsDisposed | Gets a value indicating whether an Action has been disposed of. |
IsDisposing | |
IsExecuting | For internal use. |
LockCount | Indicates the count of the ActionBase.BeginUpdate method calls. |
Model | Gets the Action‘s settings. |
PaintStyle | Specifies the Action‘s paint style. |
QuickAccess | Specifies whether the current Action is accessible via the Quick Access Toolbar (this toolbar is available when the Ribbon UI is used). |
SelectionContext | Specifies a context of an Action‘s execution. |
SelectionDependencyType | Specifies a context for enabling an Action. |
Shortcut | Defines the keyboard shortcut used to execute the current Action. Has effect in WinForms applications only. |
Site | Gets or sets the ISite of the Component. Inherited from Component. |
Tag | Provides access to the object that contains data about the Action. |
TargetObjectsCriteria | Specifies a logical expression (criteria) for enabling an Action. |
TargetObjectsCriteriaMode | Specifies whether all the currently selected objects must satisfy the ActionBase.TargetObjectsCriteria criteria to make an Action enabled. |
TargetObjectType | Specifies the type of the object(s) that must be represented by the current View to provide an Action activation. |
TargetViewId | Specifies the identifier of the View for which the Action is activated, or a semicolon-separated list of identifiers if the Action targets multiple Views. |
TargetViewNesting | Specifies whether the View, for which an Action is intended, must be root, nested or any. |
TargetViewType | Specifies the type of the View, for which an Action is intended. |
TestName | For internal use only. |
ToolTip | Specifies a tooltip for an Action. |
TypeOfView | Specifies the type of the View for which an Action is intended. |
See Also