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SecuredEFCoreObjectSpaceProvider Members

Provides an Object Space in EF Core-based applications that use the Security System.


Name Description
SecuredEFCoreObjectSpaceProvider(ISelectDataSecurityProvider, IDbContextFactory<DbContext>, ITypesInfo) Initializes a new instance of the SecuredEFCoreObjectSpaceProvider class with specified settings.
SecuredEFCoreObjectSpaceProvider(ISelectDataSecurityProvider, IDbContextFactory<DbContext>) Initializes a new instance of the SecuredEFCoreObjectSpaceProvider class with specified settings.
SecuredEFCoreObjectSpaceProvider(ISelectDataSecurityProvider, Type, ITypesInfo, EFCoreTypeInfoSource, String, EFCoreDatabaseProviderHandler) Initializes a new instance of the SecuredEFCoreObjectSpaceProvider class with specified settings.
SecuredEFCoreObjectSpaceProvider(ISelectDataSecurityProvider, Type, ITypesInfo, String, EFCoreDatabaseProviderHandler) Initializes a new instance of the SecuredEFCoreObjectSpaceProvider class with specified settings.
SecuredEFCoreObjectSpaceProvider(ISelectDataSecurityProvider, Type, EFCoreDatabaseProviderHandler) Initializes a new instance of the SecuredEFCoreObjectSpaceProvider class with specified settings.
SecuredEFCoreObjectSpaceProvider(ISelectDataSecurityProvider, Type, ServiceCollection, ITypesInfo, String, EFCoreDatabaseProviderHandler) Initializes a new instance of the SecuredEFCoreObjectSpaceProvider class with specified settings.
SecuredEFCoreObjectSpaceProvider(ISelectDataSecurityProvider, Type, ServiceCollection, DbContextOptions, ITypesInfo, String) Initializes a new instance of the SecuredEFCoreObjectSpaceProvider class with specified settings.
SecuredEFCoreObjectSpaceProvider(ISelectDataSecurityProvider, Type, String, EFCoreDatabaseProviderHandler) Initializes a new instance of the SecuredEFCoreObjectSpaceProvider class with specified settings.


Name Description
CheckCompatibilityType Specifies an approach to check if the database and application are compatible. Inherited from EFCoreObjectSpaceProvider.
ConnectionString Specifies the connection string that the current Object Space Provider uses. Inherited from EFCoreObjectSpaceProvider.
EntityStore Provides access to the storage of registered entities. Inherited from EFCoreObjectSpaceProvider.
ModuleInfoType Gets the type of the class mapped to the ModuleInfo table in the database. Inherited from EFCoreObjectSpaceProvider.
SchemaUpdateMode Specifies how to check compatibility for the database associated with the current EFCoreObjectSpaceProvider. Inherited from EFCoreObjectSpaceProvider.
TypesInfo Supplies XAF-related information on business classes. Inherited from EFCoreObjectSpaceProvider.


Name Description
CheckDatabaseSchemaCompatibility(out Exception) Checks if a database and application are compatible. If the database is missing or a schema needs to be updated, this method returns the corresponding exception. Inherited from EFCoreObjectSpaceProvider.
CreateNonsecuredObjectSpace() Creates a SecuredEFCoreObjectSpace instance that an application uses when a user tries to log on.
CreateObjectSpace() Creates a new SecuredEFCoreObjectSpace instance.
CreateUpdatingObjectSpace(Boolean) Instantiates an Object Space to be used to update the database. Inherited from EFCoreObjectSpaceProvider.
Dispose() Releases all resources that the current EFCoreObjectSpaceProvider object uses. Inherited from EFCoreObjectSpaceProvider.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
UpdateSchema() Accesses class descriptions in assemblies loaded into an application and updates the storage schema accordingly. Inherited from EFCoreObjectSpaceProvider.
See Also