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WebApplicationOptions Properties

Stores options for a tested ASP.NET Web Forms application.
Name Description
Browser Returns a web browser used for running tests. Available values: Chrome, Edge. The default value is Edge.
BrowserBinaryPath Returns a path to a web browser application.
Configuration Returns a configuration to use for running tests.
IgnoreCase Gets whether the test ignores a letter case when referring to UI element names, captions, or tags.
Name Gets the name of the ASP.NET Web Forms application. This name is used to differentiate between different applications.
PhysicalPath Gets a path to the folder that contains the application.
Url Gets the application’s web address.
UseIISExpress Gets whether the IIS Express is used to run the application. If set to false, WebDev is used instead.
WebDriverPath Gets a path to a folder that stores a web driver executable.
See Also