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.NET Core 3.0+

Miscellaneous Property Types

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Data Types displayed by WinForms Property Editors

Each WinForms Property Editor has a control that displays a corresponding property in a Detail View, and a repository item that displays a property in a List Editor that supports in-place editing. Both the control and repository item are shown below.

Data Type


Property Editor Type and Description




Intended for byte array properties and can be used in List and Detail Views. This Property Editor is supplied with the Office Module. This Property Editor allows you to edit rich text documents stored in the DOCX format and create Mail Merge templates. Refer to the Use Rich Text Documents in Business Objects topic for more information about the RichTextPropertyEditor.

Control: RichEditorContainer - a wrapper for the XtraEditors Library’s RichEditControl.

Repository Item: XtraEditors Library’s RepositoryItemRichTextEdit item.




Intended for byte array properties and can be used in Detail Views. This Property Editor is included in the Office Module.

The SpreadsheetPropertyEditor allows you to edit spreadsheet documents.

Control: SpreadsheetContainer - a wrapper for the XtraEditors Library’s SpreadsheetControl.

Repository Item: There is no repository item. Do not use this Property Editor in List Views.




Used to display properties that reference an object implementing the IAnalysisInfo interface.

This Property Editor is supplied with the Pivot Chart Module. Its control represents a user control that contains a tab control with two pages. One page contains a Pivot Grid. The second page contains the Chart Control and two check edits: ShowRowGrandTotalCheckEdit and ShowColumnGrandTotalCheckEdit. When the Analysis class from the Business Class Library has been added, the AnalysisEditorWin allows end-users to build analysis reports on the data of a specified type. For details, refer to the Pivot Chart Module Overview topic.

Control: AnalysisControlWin.

Repository Item: There is no repository item. A textual representation of an Analysis object will be displayed.




Used to display key performance indicator results supplied by the KPI Module as a chart.

You can see this Property Editor in action by using the Show Chart Action in a KPIScorecard Detail View.

Control: ChartControl.

Repository Item: There is no repository item. A textual representation of an IChartDataSourceProvider object will be displayed.




Used to display the Label property of a business class implementing the built-in IEvent interface by default.

This Property Editor is supplied with the Scheduler Module. Its control represents an image combobox. Its items represent the AppointmentLabel objects. These objects are contained in the control’s SchedulerStorage, and can be accessed using the AppointmentStorage.Labels collection of the AppointmentStorage, returned by the SchedulerStorage.Appointments property.

To expand the editor’s drop-down window, use Alt + Down Arrow.

Control: AppointmentLabelEdit editor from the XtraScheduler Library.

Repository Item: There is no repository item. The Scheduler control displays the Event.Label property in a specific way.




Used to display the Status property of a business class implementing the built-in IEvent interface by default.

This Property Editor is supplied with the Scheduler Module. Its control represents an image combobox. Its items represent the AppointmentStatus objects. These objects are contained in the control’s SchedulerStorage, and can be accessed via the AppointmentStorage.Statuses collection, returned by the SchedulerStorage.Appointments property.

To expand the editor’s drop-down window, use Alt + Down Arrow.

Control: AppointmentStatusEdit editor from the XtraScheduler Library.

Repository Item: There is no repository item. The Scheduler control displays the Event.Label property in a specific way.




Used to display a key performance indicator trend supplied by the KPI Module as a sparkline.

You can see this Property Editor in action in a KPIScorecard Detail View.

Control: ChartControl.

Repository Item: A custom SparklineRepositoryItem that uses a ChartControl to display data.




Used by the WinForms Workflow Module to display the TrackingRecordVisualizationInfo property in the Views displaying information on running workflow instances.

Control: WorkflowVisualizationControl which uses the re-hosted WF designer.

Repository Item: There is no repository item. A textual representation of the bound Activity will be displayed.




Used to display the RecurrenceInfoXml property of a business class by default implementing the built-in IEvent and ISupportRecurrences interfaces.

This Property Editor is supplied with the Scheduler Module. When clicking or double-clicking the ellipsis button of the ButtonEdit control representing this Property Editor, a form is invoked. This form allows end-users to set the current event’s recurrence options or remove the recurrence.

Control: ButtonEdit editor from the XtraEditors Library.

Repository Item: There is no repository item. The Scheduler control displays the ISupportRecurrences.RecurrenceInfoXml property in a specific way.




Intended for string properties. To use it, set it for the PropertyEditorType property of the required BOModel | <Class> | OwnMembers | <Member> or Views | <DetailView> | Items | <PropertyEditor> node.

The control’s height is calculated by multiplying the value set for the corresponding RowCount property and a default height for a row. If the RowCount property is not specified, it is set to 10. If it is set to 0, it is assumed that 15 rows will fit in the control.

The RepositoryItemRtfEditEx repository item is displayed via the RtfEditEx editor, representing a descendant of the BlobBaseEdit editor from the XtraEditors Library. This editor displays the PopupRtfEditExForm form as a pop-up form.

Control: RichTextBoxWithBinding that is a descendant of the System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox editor.

Repository Item: RepositoryItemRtfEditEx that is a descendant of the RepositoryItemBlobBaseEdit repository item from the XtraEditors Library.




Used by the WinForms Workflow Module to display the Xaml property in the Views displaying workflow definitions.

Control: WorkflowDesignerControl uses the re-hosted WF designer.

Repository Item: There is no repository item. A textual representation of the bound Activity will be displayed.

Any data type






The DefaultPropertyEditor has a number of limitations and should not be used intentionally in your applications. For instance, this Property Editor does not support the Conditional Appearance functionality.

Used when there is no default Property Editor for the current property’s data type and the PropertyEditorType property of the corresponding IModelMember node is not specified.

GridControl is used when the property represents a collection implementing either the IEnumerable or ITypedList interface.

StringEdit is used for the remaining properties. It displays the property’s textual representation.

Both the GridControl and StringEdit display data in read-only mode by default.

Control: GridControl editor from the XtraGrid Library orStringEdit editor used by the StringPropertyEditor.

Repository Item: There is no specific repository item.

Any type property that must be protected from viewing



Used for properties that are prohibited to be viewed by the current user by the Security System by default.

The “*******“ text for the ProtectedContentEdit control is taken from the IModelApplication.ProtectedContentText property of the Application Model‘s Application node.

This Property Editor is always read-only.

For details on approaches to granting permissions to users, refer to the Security System Overview topic and the Security Demo application.

Control: ProtectedContentEdit that is a descendant of the StringEdit editor used by the IntegerPropertyEditor

Repository Item: RepositoryItemProtectedContentTextEdit that is a descendant of the RepositoryItemTextEdit repository item from the XtraEditors Library

Data Types displayed by ASP.NET Property Editors

Each ASP.NET Property Editor has controls that display a property in a Detail View‘s View and Edit mode (see DetailView.ViewEditMode). These controls are listed below.

Data Type


Property Editor Type and Description




Used for byte[] properties by default.

Represents the ASPxStringPropertyEditor descendant.

Displays the property’s value using the UTF8 encoding. If you need to use another encoding, inherit from this Property Editor and override the GetPropertyDisplayValue method.

Note that this Property Editor is always read-only.

View Mode Control: System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label.

Edit Mode Control: ASPxTextBox, or ASPxMemo editor from the ASPxEditors Library.




Intended for byte array properties and can be used in List and Detail Views. This Property Editor is supplied with the Office Module. This Property Editor allows you to edit rich text documents stored in the DOCX format and create Mail Merge templates. Refer to the Use Rich Text Documents in Business Objects topic for more information about the ASPxRichTextPropertyEditor.

View and Edit mode control: ASPxRichEdit editor from the ASPxEditors Library.




Used to display properties that reference an object implementing the IAnalysisInfo interface.

This Property Editor is supplied with the Pivot Chart Module. Its control represents a user control that contains a tab control with two pages. One page contains a Pivot Grid. The second page contains the Chart Control. When having the Analysis class from the Business Class Library added, the AnalysisEditorWeb allows end-users to build analysis reports on data of a specified type. For details, refer to the Pivot Chart Module Overview topic.

View Mode Control: AnalysisControlWeb.

Edit Mode Control: AnalysisControlWeb.




Used to display key performance indicator results supplied by the KPI Module as a chart.

You can see this Property Editor in action by using the Show Chart Action in a KPIScorecard Detail View.

View Mode Control: WebChartControlContainer using the WebChartControl to display data.

Edit Mode Control: WebChartControlContainer using the WebChartControl to display data.




Used to display the Label property of a business class implementing the built-in IEvent interface by default.

This Property Editor is supplied with the Scheduler Module. Its control represents an image combobox. Its items represent the AppointmentLabel objects. These objects are contained in the control’s SchedulerStorage, and can be accessed via the AppointmentStorage.Labels collection, returned by the SchedulerStorage.Appointments property.

To expand the editor’s drop-down window, use Alt + Down Arrow.

View Mode Control: System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label.

Edit Mode Control: ASPxComboBox editor from the ASPxEditors Library.




Used to display the Status property of a business class implementing the built-in IEvent interface by default.

This Property Editor is supplied with the Scheduler Module. Its control represents an image combobox. Its items represent the AppointmentStatus objects. These objects are contained in the control’s SchedulerStorage, and can be accessed using the AppointmentStorage.Statuses collection, returned by the SchedulerStorage.Appointments property.

To expand the editor’s drop-down window, use Alt + Down Arrow.

View Mode Control: System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label.

Edit Mode Control: ASPxComboBox editor from the ASPxEditors Library.




Used to display a key performance indicator trend supplied by the KPI Module as a sparkline.

You can see this Property Editor in action in a KPIScorecard Detail View.

View Mode Control: WebChartControl.

Edit Mode Control: WebChartControl.




Used to display the RecurrenceInfoXml property of a business class implementing the built-in IEvent and ISupportRecurrences interfaces by default.

This Property Editor is supplied with the Scheduler Module. When clicking the ellipsis button of the ASPxButtonEdit control representing this Property Editor, a form is invoked. This form allows end-users to set the current event’s recurrence options or remove the recurrence.

View Mode Control: ASPxLabel from the ASPxEditors Library.

Edit Mode Control: ASPxSchedulerRecurrenceInfoEdit based on the ASPxButtonEdit editor from the ASPxEditors Library.

Any data type




The ASPxDefaultPropertyEditor has a number of limitations and should not be used intentionally in your applications. For instance, this Property Editor does not support the Conditional Appearance functionality.

Used when there is no default Property Editor for the current property’s data type, and the PropertyEditorType property of the corresponding IModelMember node is not specified.

Inherited from the ASPxStringPropertyEditor class. Displays the property’s value in a read-only mode.

View Mode Control: System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label.

Edit Mode Control: ASPxTextBox editor from the ASPxEditors Library.

Any data type property that must be protected from viewing

ASPxTextBox_ASPxProtectedContentPropertyEditor_Transpare nt


Used for properties that are prohibited to be viewed by the current user by the Security System by default.

Inherited from the ASPxStringPropertyEditor class. However, this Property Editor is always read-only.

The “*******“ text for the ProtectedContentEdit control is taken from the IModelApplication.ProtectedContentText property of the Application Model‘s Application node.

This Property Editor is always read-only.

For details on approaches to granting permissions to users, refer to the Security System Overview topic and the Security Demo application.

View Mode Control: System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label.

Edit Mode Control: ASPxTextBox editor from the ASPxEditors Library.

See Also