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Built-in Controllers and Actions in the System Module

  • 29 minutes to read

This topic lists the built-in Controllers and their Actions supplied with the System’s base, Windows Forms and ASP.NET modules. Note that you can find more information on individual Controllers or Actions in the Model Editor by navigating to the Application Model‘s ActionDesign | Controllers or ActionDesign | Actions node, respectively.


Platform-Independent Controllers

Windows Forms Controllers

ASP.NET Controllers

















Search and Filtering















List Views



































Debugging and Testing





























































In this topic, we refer to built-in Actions using their ActionBase.Id property values. Use the Model Editor to find out which caption is assigned to an Action.

Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD)


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated for Detail Views.

Makes the current Detail View read-only and displays the “Data is displayed in read-only mode, because it has been deleted.” message if the View’s object has been deleted.


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: Delete.

Activated for all Views. Contains the Delete Action. This Action allows end-users to delete the current object displayed in a Detail View or the currently selected object(s) in a List View. Note that objects deleted from nested collections are not deleted at once. They are deleted when an end-user saves the entire root object.

See Also: DeleteObjectsViewController | DeleteObjectsViewController.DeleteAction | DeleteObjectsViewController.AutoCommit


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated for Detail Views. Updates fields that display the values of an object’s reference properties when a reference property is changed.


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

A DialogController descendant. Activated in the Link Action’s pop-up window if it supports the Search functionality. Adds the LinkNewObjectController to the window, invoked when pressing the New button. Executes the FullTextSearch Action to retrieve the newly created object to the current List View’s collection.

See Also: LinkUnlinkController.LinkAction | FilterController.FullTextFilterAction | How to: Add a Search Action to Lookup Property Editors and Link Pop-up Windows


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

A DialogController descendant. Activated in the pop-up window that is invoked when the New button is pressed in the Link Action’s pop-up window. When the OK button is pressed, this Controller saves the newly created object, and passes it to the LinkDialogController, so that it can be selected in the Link Action’s pop-up window.

See Also: LinkUnlinkController.LinkAction | How to: Add a Search Action to Lookup Property Editors and Link Pop-up Windows


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

For internal use. Creates a Link object used by the DetailViewLinkController to synchronize changes made in a Detail View invoked from the List View.


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: Link, Unlink.

Activated for nested List Views. The Link Action allows end-users to add an existing object to the current nested collection. The objects to be chosen are represented by a List View displayed in a pop-up window. The Unlink Action deletes references to the object selected in the current nested collection. By default, the changes made to a collection are not saved immediately. They are saved when the root object is saved. This behavior is overridden in the ASP.NET-specific WebLinkUnlinkController.

See Also: LinkUnlinkController | LinkUnlinkController.LinkAction | LinkUnlinkController.UnlinkAction | LinkUnlinkController.AutoCommit


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: Cancel, Save, SaveAndClose, SaveAndNew.

Activated for Detail Views. Creates and manages the active and enabled state of the Cancel, Save, SaveAndClose and SaveAndNew Actions.

See Also: ModificationsController | ModificationsController.CancelAction | ModificationsController.SaveAction | ModificationsController.SaveAndCloseAction | ModificationsController.SaveAndNewAction | ModificationsController.ModificationsCheckingMode | ModificationsController.ModificationsHandlingMode


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: New.

Activated for all Views. The New Action allows end-users to create a new object of the type selected from the list of predefined types. To specify predefined types in the Model Editor, add child nodes to the CreatableItems node. To specify a predefined type in code, use the NavigationItem attribute, or handle the Controller’s CollectCreatableItemTypes and CollectDescendantTypes events.

See Also: NewObjectViewController | NewObjectViewController.NewObjectAction | IModelCreatableItems | NavigationItemAttribute | NewObjectViewController.CollectDescendantTypes | Add an Item to the New Action | How to: Customize the New Action’s Items List


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: inherited.

A DeleteObjectsViewController descendant. Changes the default DeleteObjectsViewController.AutoCommit property value to True, so that objects deleted from any collection are deleted at once.


Platform: ASP.NET. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v20.2.dll. Actions: inherited.

Inherited from the LinkUnlinkController. Sets the LinkUnlinkController.AutoCommit property to true when the current ShowViewStrategy.CollectionsEditMode is ViewEditMode.View.

See Also: ShowViewStrategy.CollectionsEditMode


Platform: ASP.NET. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v20.2.dll. Actions: SwitchToEditMode and inherited.

Inherited from the ModificationsController. Activated for Object Views. The SwitchToEditMode Action, implemented in this Controller, allows end-users to switch to the edit mode when a Detail View is displayed in view mode. Manages the active state of all its Actions, depending on the current View’s DetailView.ViewEditMode property value.

See Also: WebModificationsController | WebModificationsController.EditAction


Platform: ASP.NET. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v20.2.dll. Actions: QuickCreateAction and inherited.

Inherited from the NewObjectViewController. Overrides the UpdateActionsState method to populate the NewObjectViewController.NewObjectAction Action’s Items collection. Only the current View’s object type and its descendants are added to the collection.

Contains the QuickCreate Action, whose Items collection includes only the elements that represent the child nodes of the Application Model’s IModelCreatableItems node. The collection is populated in the UpdateActionsState method.

See Also: WebNewObjectViewController | WebNewObjectViewController.QuickCreateAction


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: inherited.

Inherited from the ModificationsController. Activated for Object Views.

See Also: WinModificationsController


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: inherited.

Inherited from the NewObjectViewController. Overrides the UpdateActionsState method to populate the New Action’s ChoiceActionBase.Items collection. The current View’s object type, its descendants and the types listed in the Application Model’s CreatableItems node are added to the collection.

See Also: WinNewObjectViewController | NewObjectViewController.NewObjectAction | IModelCreatableItems


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: SetFilter, FullTextSearch.

Activated for List Views. The SetFilter Action allows end-users to select one of the predefined filters created for the current List View. The FullTextSearch Action allows end-users to search objects that match the entered text. In addition to Actions, this Controller filters the current List View’s data source according to the criteria specified in the Application Model.

See Also: FilterController | FilterController.SetFilterAction | FilterController.FullTextFilterAction | Filters Application Model Node | FullTextSearch Action | Criteria Property in the Application Model


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

A DialogController descendant. Activated in the Lookup Property Editor’s lookup window if it the search functionality is enabled.

Adds the FindLookupNewObjectDialogController to the invoked window when pressing the New button. Executes the FullTextSearch Action to retrieve the newly created object to the current List View’s collection.

See Also: IModelOptions.LookupSmallCollectionItemCount | How to: Add a Search Action to Lookup Property Editors and Link Pop-up Windows


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

A DialogController descendant. Activated in the pop-up window that is invoked when pressing the New button in a Lookup Property Editor’s lookup window. When the OK button is pressed, this Controller saves the newly created object and passes it to the FindLookupDialogController, so that it can be selected in the Lookup Property Editor’s lookup window.


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: PreviousObject, NextObject.

Activated for all Views. The PreviousObject Action is intended to navigate to the previous object in the collection source. When using this Action for a List View, the previous object in the View’s editor is selected. When using this Action in a Detail View that displays an object currently selected in a List View, the previous object in the List View’s editor is shown in the Detail View. The NextObject Action does the same, but navigates to the next object in the collection.

See Also: RecordsNavigationController | RecordsNavigationController.PreviousObjectAction | RecordsNavigationController.NextObjectAction


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: ShowNavigationItem.

Activated in the main window. The ShowNavigationItem Action allows end-users to navigate between predefined Views. In a Windows Forms application, this Action is displayed by the navigation bar by default. In ASP.NET applications, it is displayed by navigation tabs by default. The Views to which you can navigate via this Action are specified in the Application Model’s NavigationItems node.

See Also: ShowNavigationItemController | ShowNavigationItemController.ShowNavigationItemAction | IModelNavigationItems | Navigation System


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: NavigateBack, NavigateForward.

Activated in all windows. The Actions provided by this controller allow end-users to navigate to recently invoked Views. These Actions are activated in the main window only.


Platform: ASP.NET. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v20.2.dll. Actions: inherited.

Inherited from the RecordsNavigationController. Makes the NextObject and PreviousObject Actions active if the current View is a Detail View.

See Also:


Platform: ASP.NET. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated in the main window. Displays a View when the start-up window is shown. Uses the ShowNavigationItemController to get a start-up navigation item and execute the ShowNavigationItem Action.


Platform: ASP.NET. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v20.2.dll. Actions: NavigateTo and inherited.

Inherited from the ViewNavigationController. Deactivates the inherited NavigateBack and NavigateForward Actions. The NavigateTo Action is displayed as breadcrumbs and replaces the deactivated Actions functionality.


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated in the main window. Displays a View when the start-up window is shown. Uses the ShowNavigationItemController to get a start-up navigation item and execute the ShowNavigationItem Action.


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: inherited.

Represents the Windows Forms specific version of the ViewNavigationController.

List Views


Platform: ASP.NET. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated for List Views. Inherited from the ListEditorPreviewRowViewController Controller. Initializes the preview section, if the List View uses the ASPxGridListEditor.


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated for List Views.

Extends the Application Model’s IModelClass interface with the IModelClassShowAutoFilterRow interface and the IModelListView interface with the IModelListViewShowAutoFilterRow interface.

See Also: Application Model Basics | Application Model Structure | Extend and Customize the Application Model in Code


Platform: ASP.NET. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated in all pages. Registers startup scripts required by List Editors on callbacks.


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

The base Controller for the GridEditorColumnChooserController and WinLayoutManagerController. Adds the Add and Remove buttons to a grid’s ColumnChooser or FieldList. When pressing the Add button, the Controller shows a tree representing current object properties.


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

A ColumnChooserControllerBase descendant. Intended for List Views that are displayed via the GridListEditor, which uses the XtraGrid editor. The Controller sets up the editor’s Customization form and supports its functionality. This form can be invoked by selecting the Column Chooser in the grid’s context menu.


Platform: WindowsForms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated for List Views. Sets up the GridListEditor if it displays the current List View. Intended for internal use.


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated for List Views. A ListEditorPreviewRowViewController descendant. Initializes the preview section, if the List View uses the GridListEditor.


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated for List Views. Manages creation of new objects via List Editors by handling the ListEditor.NewObjectAdding, ListEditor.NewObjectCreated and ListEditor.NewObjectCanceled events.

See Also: NewObjectViewController


Platform: ASP.NET. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated for List Views. Saves the changes made via the List Editor’s in-place editors to the database when the current View is a root or the current Show View Strategy operates in ViewEditMode.View mode. By default, changes are not committed automatically in nested List Views. You can inherit this Controller and override the AutoCommitChanges property to return true.

See Also: List Editors | ShowViewStrategy.CollectionsEditMode


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated for List Views. Extends the Application Model with the PreviewColumnName property of the Views | <ListView> node. Serves as the base class for Controllers that activate preview rows in platform-specific List Editors. There are two platform-specific descendants: GridListEditorPreviewRowController and ASPxGridListEditorPreviewRowViewController.

See Also: IModelListViewPreviewColumn.PreviewColumnName | IModelListView


Platform: ASP.NET. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v20.2.dll. Actions: Edit.

Activated for List View. The Edit Action provided by this Controller invokes a Detail View for the object that is currently selected in a List View. This Detail View is displayed in edit mode.


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: CopyCellValue.

Activated for List Views. The CopyCellValue Action, provided by this Controller, allows you to copy the contents of the focused List Editor cell to the clipboard. The List Editor should support the IFocusedElementCaptionProvider interface.


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: ListViewShowObject.

Activated for List Views. The ListViewShowObject Action is executed when you double-click an object in a List View in a Windows Forms application, and when you click an object in a List View in an ASP.NET application. The object is displayed in a separate Window. If you need to execute a custom Action instead of the ListViewShowObject Action, deactivate this Controller and subscribe to the ListView.ProcessSelectedItem event in a custom Controller.

See Also: ListViewProcessCurrentObjectController | ListViewProcessCurrentObjectController.ProcessCurrentObjectAction | How to: Replace a List View’s Default Action


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated for List Views. For internal use. Allows end-users to use the lookup editors in the GridListEditor‘s New Item Row.


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated for List Views. Extends the Application Model with the DefaultListViewNewItemRowPosition property in the BOModel | <Class> node and the NewItemRowPosition property in the Views | <ListView> node. Configures the new item row, if the List Editor implements the ISupportNewItemRowPosition interface.

See Also: IModelClassNewItemRow.DefaultListViewNewItemRowPosition | IModelListViewNewItemRow.NewItemRowPosition


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: ToggleToolbarVisibility.

Activated for nested List Views. The ToggleToolbarVisibility Action allows end-users to hide the toolbar that accompanies a nested List View. This Action can be accessed by right-clicking a nested List View, and selecting Toggle Toolbar in the invoked context menu.


Platform: ASP.NET. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated in List Views. Updates a List Editor’s selection when the bound collection changes.


Platform: ASP.NET. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated in List Views. Refreshes a List Editor when data displayed by it is filtered or changed.

See Also: ListEditor.Refresh | Filtering


Platform: ASP.NET. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated for List Views. Adds the SaveListViewStateInCookies property to the Application Model’s Options node and the SaveStateInCookies property to the Views | List View node. SaveListViewStateInCookies is a global setting for all List Views. SaveStateInCookies is useful to set an individual value for a particular List View. When the current List View’s settings must be saved to Cookies, the Controller saves the differences that are found between the List View’s state defined in the Application Model, and the current state to the current Session. Then, the SessionDictionaryDifferenceStoreWindowController will save the differences from the Session to Cookies.

See Also: IModelOptionsStateStore.SaveListViewStateInCookies | IModelListViewStateStore.SaveStateInCookies



Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: LogOff.

Activated for all Views. The LogOff Action allows end-users to log-on to the application using another user account. By default, this Action is available when the Standard Authentication strategy is used and is deactivated when the Active Directory Authentication strategy is used.

See Also: LogoffController | LogoffController.LogoffAction | Security System


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: inherited.

A DialogController descendant. Activated in the Logon window. Replaces the DialogController‘s DialogOk Action with the Logon Action. The Action’s Execute event handler is provided by the base DialogController class.

See Also: Security System


Platform: ASP.NET. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v20.2.dll. Actions: inherited.

Inherited from the LogonController Dialog Controller. Deactivates the Cancel Action.



Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: CreateDashboard.

Activated in the main Window. Supplies the CreateDashboard Action allowing end-users to create dashboards.

See Also: IModelOptionsDashboard.EnableCreation | DashboardView


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: OrganizeDashboard.

Activated in nested DashboardOrganizer Detail Views. Provides the OrganizeDashboard Action allowing end users to organize dashboards.

See Also: IModelOptionsDashboard.EnableCustomization | DashboardView


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: OrganizeDashboard.

Activated in Dashboard Views. Deactivates the SaveAndClose and SaveAndNew Actions in Views displayed on a dashboard.

See Also: ModificationsController.SaveAndCloseAction | ModificationsController.SaveAndNewAction |DashboardView


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated in nested DashboardOrganizationItem Views. Disables the Actions toolbar in the dashboard organizer.

See Also: IModelOptionsDashboard.EnableCustomization | DashboardView


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: DeleteItem, HideItemsFromDashboard, ShowItemsOnDashboard.

Activated in nested DashboardOrganizationItem Views. Supplies Actions allowing end-users to show, hide and delete dashboard View Items from a dashboard View.

See Also: IModelOptionsDashboard.EnableCustomization | DashboardView | DashboardViewItem


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated in Dashboard Views. Allows end-users to add new Views and remove existing Views from a dashboard via the Customization dialog.

See Also: IModelOptionsDashboard.EnableCustomization | DashboardView | DashboardViewItem


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: DeleteDashboard.

Activated in the main Window. Provides the DeleteDashboard Action located in the Tools category. This Action invokes a popup dialog with a list of all dashboard views defined in the user’s model differences. In this popup you can select one or more dashboards and click Delete to remove them. The DeleteDashboardsController.CanDeleteParentGroup property specifies whether or not the dashboard’s parent group is deleted when you remove the last dashboard in this group. The DeleteDashboard Action is active when there are dashboards that can be deleted and the EnableCreation property of the Options | Dashboards node is set to true in the Application Model.

See Also: IModelOptionsDashboard.EnableCustomization | DashboardView


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated in ViewDashboardOrganizationItem Views. Refreshes the dasboard organizer when a dasboard View Item type changes.

See Also: IModelOptionsDashboard.EnableCustomization | DashboardView

Debugging and Testing


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

A Diagnostic Controller implementing the IDiagnosticController interface. This Controller collects information on all Controllers of the current Frame (Window), the Controllers’ Actions, the current Template and its Action Containers, and the current View and its Editor(s). The DiagnosticInfoController adds the Single Choice Action Item exposed by this Controller to the DiagnosticInfo Action. When an end-user selects this item, the collected information is shown in an invoked window.


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated in all windows and frames. DiagnosticInfoProviderBase is the base class for the ActionsInfoController, ViewInfoController and ShowRulesController Controllers. These Controllers provide items for the DiagnosticInfoController‘s Diagnostic Info Action. The DiagnosticInfoProviderBase class exposes members designed to create the Diagnostic Info Action’s items and collect the information displayed when selecting these items.

See Also: Determine Why an Action, Controller or Editor is Inactive | ActionBase.DiagnosticInfo


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: Diagnostic Info.

Activated in all windows and frames. Finds all Controllers that implement the IDiagnosticController interface. These Controllers collect information on the required objects (Controllers, Actions, current Template, validation rules and so on). The DiagnosticInfoController‘s Diagnostic Info Action, representing a Single Choice Action, contains the Single Choice Action Items that are exposed by Diagnostic Controllers that are found. When the Diagnostic Info Action’s item is selected, a window with the information collected by the corresponding Controller is displayed. This information helps to find out why the Controller or Action is inactive or invisible.

See Also: Determine Why an Action, Controller or Editor is Inactive | ActionBase.DiagnosticInfo


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated for Views displayed by LookupPropertyEditor. Discovers controls in pop-up Windows and supplies them to EasyTest.

See Also: Functional Testing


Platform: ASP.NET. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated in all Windows when EasyTest is enabled. Allows an ASP.NET Web XAF application to be tested via EasyTest.

See Also: Functional Testing


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

A Diagnostic Controller implementing the IDiagnosticController interface. This Controller collects information on the current View and its editor(s). The DiagnosticInfoController adds the Single Choice Action Item exposed by this Controller to the DiagnosticInfo Action. When an end-user selects this item, the collected information is shown in an invoked window.

See Also: Determine Why an Action, Controller or Editor is Inactive


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: EasyTest Control.

Activated in all Windows. Discovers controls in the current Window and supplies them to EasyTest. Declares the EasyTest Control diagnostic Action, which lists all these.

See Also: Functional Testing



Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: AboutInfo.

Activated in the main window. Contains the About Info Action. In Windows Forms applications, this Action presents general information on the current application collected from the Application Model by this Controller.

See Also: Application Personalization


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated in the Detail Views that represent an AboutInfo object. Sets up the About window:

  • disables the ability to customize layouts;
  • fixes the window’s width according to the Logo image’s width;
  • removes the Static Image View Item if the image is not specified;
  • enables the Label Emphasis feature to divide the About text into several strings.


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Disables and enables Actions in dependence of their ActionBase.TargetObjectsCriteria and ActionBase.TargetObjectsCriteriaMode property values.


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Cancels the asynchronous loading of data in a View when a user closes it. This Controller allows you to show a confirmation message when you close a View in the UI.

See Also: How to: Customize Asynchronous Data Loading Behavior and UI


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Shows the Overlay Form and disables built-in Actions while an asynchronous operation is in progress.

See Also: How to: Customize Asynchronous Data Loading Behavior and UI


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: ChooseSkin.

Activated in the main window if the UseLightStyle property is false. Otherwise, the ConfigureSkinController is activated instead.

Contains the ChooseSkin Action. This Action allows end users to apply a predefined skin to the application. The selected skin is stored in the Skin property of the Application Model’s Options node.

See Also: Application Model Basics | Application Model Structure


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: ConfigureSkin.

Activated in the main window if the UseLightStyle property is true. Otherwise, the ChooseSkinController is activated instead.

Contains the ConfigureSkin Action. This Action allows end users to apply a predefined skin to the application. End users can also select a palette if a skin supports palettes. The selected skin is stored in the Skin property of the Application Model’s Options node. The selected palette is stored in the Palette property of the Application Model’s Options node.

See Also: Application Model Basics | Application Model Structure


Platform: ASP.NET. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v20.2.dll. Actions: ChooseTheme.

Contains the ChooseTheme Action. This Action allows end-users to select one of the themes used in the application. The currently selected theme is stored in user browser cookies.

See Also: ChooseThemeController | ASP.NET Web Application Appearance


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated in child Windows when MdiShowViewStrategy is used. Prohibits closing a child Window while its View is changing and closes the Window when its View is closed.


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win20.2.dll. Actions: Close.

Activated in child Windows. The Close Action closes the current window. It is active when a current window contains a View.


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated for Detail Views. Collects the Actions of the current Detail View’s Items that implement the IActionSource interface, and ensures that the Actions will be activated and can be executed. Actions are exposed via the IActionSource.Actions property.


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated for Detail Views. When a Detail View is invoked from a List View in a separate window, this Controller updates the List View if anything changes in the Detail View. For instance, when a Detail View’s object is replaced with another (e.g. using the NextObject Action), the focused object in the List View changes. When an object is modified or deleted in a Detail View, the List View’s objects are updated as well. When an object is opened in a Detail View from a nested list view, all new objects created in this Detail View are automatically linked to the master object, which owns the collection bound to the nested List View. The DetailViewLinkController subscribes to the IObjectSpace.Committed event. In this event handler, an object matching to the DetailView.CurrentObject is searched in a List View from which the current Detail View was opened. The found object is reloaded if the DetailView.CurrentObject is modified.


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: DialogOK, DialogCancel.

Activated in pop-up windows invoked by the PopupWindowShowAction. Contains the DialogOK and DialogCancel Actions. You can add this Controller to a pop-up window when you create it via an Action’s ShowViewParameters object.

See Also: DialogController | DialogController.AcceptAction | DialogController.CancelAction | Dialog Controller


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated for all windows. Creates a SingleChoiceAction in the Panels category for each dock panel located on the current window, if the current window Template implements the IDockManagerHolder interface. The created Actions allow you to change dock panel visibility to Visible, AutoHide or Hidden.

See Also: Template Customization


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: EditModel.

Activated in all windows. Contains the EditModel Action. This Action allows end-users to invoke the Model Editor at runtime. When the Security System is used, this Action is deactivated if the current user does not have permission to edit the Application Model.


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: Exit.

Contains the Exit Action, which is used to close the application.


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: Export.

Activated in Detail Views when the CompositeView.Items collection includes editors that support the IExportableAnalysisEditor interface. The abstract base Controller for the WinExportAnalysisController and WebExportAnalysisController Controllers. Contains the ExportAnalysis Action which exports data from analysis Property Editors (see Pivot Chart Module).

See Also: ExportController | ExportController.ExportAction | How to: Customize the Export Action Behavior


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: Export.

Activated in all Views. The abstract base Controller for the WinExportController and WebExportController Controllers. Contains the Export Action which exports data from List View. The Action is active in List Views when the ListView.Editor editor supports the IExportable interface.

See Also: ExportController | ExportController.ExportAction | How to: Customize the Export Action Behavior


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

When a Template is created, all its Action Containers are created as well. Then, the FillActionContainers Controller uses the Application Model to determine Actions that are to be displayed within Action Containers. In particular, the ActionDesign | ActionToContainerMapping node provides this information. Then, this Controller calls the Action Container’s Register method for each Action to create the corresponding control. Action Containers create specific controls for each Action type.

See Also: IModelActionToContainerMapping | Actions | Action Containers


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Extends the Application Model‘s DetailView nodes with the DefaultFocusedItem property, which specifies the property editor initially focused when the root Detail View is displayed. Note that the Detail View, shown alongside the List View (see Display a Detail View with a List View) is not a root, so the DefaultFocusedItem property makes no sense in this case. The following platform-specific Controllers are derived from FocusDefaultDetailViewItemController: WinFocusDefaultDetailViewItemController and WebFocusDefaultDetailViewItemController.

See Also: IModelDetailViewDefaultFocusedItem.DefaultFocusedItem | IModelDetailView | View.IsRoot


Platform: ASP.NET. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

A Window Controller that manages focus on the current page.

See Also: FocusController


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Deactivates the Actions that are listed in the HiddenActions child node of the current View’s View node.

See Also: IModelHiddenActions | IModelView


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated for all Views. Adds the EnableHtmlFormatting property to the Options node. When this property is set to true, HTML formatting of the Property Editor captions, List View column captions and Static View Item text are rendered. When this property is set to false, HTML formatting is not supported.

See Also: IModelOptionsEnableHtmlFormatting.EnableHtmlFormatting | IModelOptions | How to: Apply HTML Formatting to Windows Forms XAF UI Elements


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated for all Views. Locks modifying an object, if it is currently being modified in another View.

See Also: Optimistic Concurrency Control


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated for child Windows when the MdiShowViewStrategy is used in MdiMode.Tabbed mode. Sets tab images accordingly to the displayed Views.

See Also: UIType.TabbedMDI


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: Actions, added via the Action Attribute.

Activated for all Views. Iterates through all business classes present in the Application Model’s BOModel node, collects methods that are decorated with the Action attribute and converts them to Simple Actions. Each Action is activated if the current View’s object type corresponds to the class from which it was generated.

See Also: ActionAttribute | SimpleAction | Add a Simple Action using an Attribute | How to: Create an Action Using the Action Attribute


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: OpenObject.

Activated for all Views. The Action is executed after:

  • focusing a reference property editor and clicking the Action’s button on the toolbar;
  • holding down SHIFT+CTRL, and clicking a reference property editor;
  • focusing an editor and pressing SHIFT+CTRL+ENTER.

In Detail Views, this Controller operates with Property Editors inherited from the WinPropertyEditor class; if the currently focused editor is bound to a reference property, the OpenObject Action invokes the referenced object Detail View. In List Views, this Controller operates when the current ListView.Editor is GridListEditor; the OpenObject Action invokes the Detail View of the object from the focused cell.


To specify the View invoked on the OpenObject Action executing, use the OpenObjectController.CustomOpenObject event, as shown in the How to specify what DetailView is shown by ctrl shift click Support Center ticket.


Platform: ASP.NET. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Intended for internal use. Customizes an error message displayed when a parameterless log-on procedure has failed.


Platform: ASP.NET. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated in root Views. Preserves validation error messages displayed on the screen from being lost when a postback occurs.

See Also: Validation Module


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: PageSetup, Print and PrintPreview.

Activated for Detail Views whose control implements the IPrintable interface and List Views whose List Editor implements the IExportable interface. Provides Actions that allow end-users to print the current View.

See Also: PrintingController


Platform: ASP.NET. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Represents a base class from which Controllers customizing Action Container controls are derived.


Platform: ASP.NET. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated in all pages. Designed for internal use. When a View is changed in a Frame, this Controller performs redirection, if required.


Platform: ASP.NET. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated for all Views. Designed for internal use. When a View is changed in a Frame, some controls can be replaced. The RedirectOnViewChangedController Controller prevents the loading of view state and form data into a wrong control.


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: Refresh.

Activated for all Views. Contains the Refresh Action, which is activated for root Views only. When executing this Action, the BaseObjectSpace.Refresh method is called.

See Also: RefreshController | RefreshController.RefreshAction


Platform: ASP.NET. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated in all pages. Registers theme-related CSS files stored as resources in the DevExpress.Web.ASPxThemes.20.2.dll assembly on the current page. If you need to use custom CSS files, you can disable this Controller by setting its EnableXafThemeAssembly property to false.

See Also: ASP.NET Web Application Appearance


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: ResetViewSettings.

Activated for all Views. Contains the ResetViewSettings Action, which re-opens the current View and resets all the user customizations of the View’s model. If you use the ListViewAndDetailView display mode, the ResetViewSettings Action is applied to both List and Detail Views. This Action is disabled (grayed out), if there are unsaved changes.


Platform: ASP.NET. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

The Controller saves the Application Model differences made by an end-user from the current Session to the underlying storage (e.g. in cookies) when a page is loaded prior to rendering.

See Also: IModelListViewStateStore.SaveStateInCookies | IModelOptionsStateStore.SaveListViewStateInCookies


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated in all Views. When working with an application, its version and database can be updated. This can corrupt the database. This Controller checks the application and database versions compatibility periodically during the application run. If a version mismatch is found, a warning window is invoked.


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Changes the cursor to the hour glass mode while an Action is executing.


Platform: ASP.NET. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v20.2.dll. Actions: inherited.

An ASP.NET specific descendant of the ExportController. Creates a memory stream for the exported data.

See Also: WebExportController


Platform: ASP.NET. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

The platform-specific descendent of the FocusDefaultDetailViewItemController.


Platform: ASP.NET. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated in pop-up Windows. This Controller focuses the FullTextSearch Parametrized Action when the invoked pop-up Window contains a List View.

See Also: FilterController | FilterController.FullTextFilterAction


Platform: ASP.NET. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

For internal use. Activated for Detail Views. Sets identifiers for all View Items.


Platform: ASP.NET. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v20.2.dll. Actions: inherited.

Inherited from the ObjectMethodActionsViewController. Commits changes made by an Action created via the ActionAttribute when a Detail View is in view mode.


Platform: ASP.NET. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated for all windows. Ensures the correct processing of changing the current object into a Detail View. For internal use.


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Updates the current Window’s caption and status messages. Exposes events and methods allowing you to customize and refresh caption and status messages. Has a WinForms-specific descendant - WinWindowTemplateController.

See Also: WindowTemplateController | How to: Customize a Window Caption | How to: Customize Window Status Messages (WinForms)


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

The Windows Forms specific descendant of the ExportController. Creates a file stream for the exported data.

See Also: WinExportController


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

The platform-specific descendent of the FocusDefaultDetailViewItemController.


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated in all Windows. When the currently displayed View changes to a List View, focuses the List Editor’s control.

See Also: List Editors


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Sets up the editor’s Customization form and supports its functionality. This form can be invoked by selecting Customize Layout in the detail form’s context menu.

See Also: View Items Layout Customization | Customize the View Items Layout


Platform: platform-independent. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

A WinForms-specific descendant of the WindowTemplateController. Handles events of the DocumentManager to update the current Window’s caption.


Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v20.2.dll. Actions: none.

Activated for all Views. Intended for internal use. Sets up the XtraGrid control used in the Lookup Property Editor’ lookup window in Detail and List Views.

See Also