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WebDocumentViewerOperationLogger Methods

A service that allows you to handle and log report processing and document generation events in the Web Document Viewer control.
Name Description
BuildStarted(String, String, ReportBuildProperties) The method is run when the report document creation starts. The ID of the created document in the Web Document Viewer storage is passed as a parameter.
BuildStarted(String, String, String, ReportBuildProperties) The method is run when the report document creation starts. The ID of the created document in the Web Document Viewer storage is passed as a parameter.
BuildStartedAsync(String, String, String, ReportBuildProperties) The method is run asynchronously when the report document creation starts. The ID of the created document in the Web Document Viewer storage is passed as a parameter.
BuildStarting(String, XtraReport, ReportBuildProperties) Called before starting to asynchronously build a report document.
BuildStarting(String, String, XtraReport, ReportBuildProperties) The method is run before report document creation starts.
BuildStartingAsync(String, String, XtraReport, ReportBuildProperties)
CacheCleaned() This method is called to indicate that a cache check is done.
CachedDocumentReleased(String) The method is invoked when the specified item in the document cache expires and is removed from the cache.
CachedDocumentSourceDeserialized(String, CachedDocumentSource, GeneratedDocumentDetails, DocumentStorage) The method is called when the document is deserialized and restored from the cache.
CachedDocumentSourceSerializing(String, CachedDocumentSource, GeneratedDocumentDetails, DocumentStorage, PrintingSystemBase) The method is called before the document is serialized and placed to the cache.
CachedReportReleased(ReportCacheItem) The method is invoked when the specified item in the report cache expires and is removed from the cache.
CachedReportReleased(String) The method is invoked when the specified item in the report cache expires and is removed from the cache.
CustomizeExportDocumentOnFinish(String, String, ExportedDocument) Allows you to retrieve and modify export results.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
ExportDocument(String, String, ExportOptions, PrintingSystemBase) Logs the export document event and provides information about the specified export options.
ExportDocumentStarting(String, String, String, ExportOptions, PrintingSystemBase, Func<ExportedDocument>) The method allows you to implement custom logic for asynchronous export of a report document.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ReleaseDocument(String) Enables you to log the request for a document’s release event from the Web Document Viewer’s internal repository.
ReleaseReport(String) Enables you to log the request for a report release event from the Web Document Viewer’s internal repository.
ReportLoadedFromLayout(String, XtraReport, out CachedReportSourceWeb) Called when a report is restored from a serialized layout contained in a storage medium (file system, cloud services) under certain conditions.
ReportLoadedFromLayout(String, XtraReport) Called when a report is restored from a serialized layout under certain conditions.
ReportOpening(String, String, XtraReport) Called when the Document Viewer loads a report. Allows you to modify a report before it is loaded.
ReportOpening(String, String, String, XtraReport, CachedReportSourceWeb) Called when the Document Viewer loads a report. Allows you to modify a report before it is loaded.
ReportOpening(String, String, String, XtraReport) Called when the Document Viewer loads a report. Allows you to modify a report before it is loaded.
ReportOpeningAsync(String, String, String, XtraReport, CachedReportSourceWeb) Asynchronous method that is called when the Document Viewer loads a report. Allows you to modify a report before it is loaded.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
See Also