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IWebDocumentViewerDrillThroughProcessor.CreateReport(DrillThroughContext) Method

Creates a report that is the navigation target in the drill-through report.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraReports.Web.WebDocumentViewer

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraReports.v24.1.Web.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web.Reporting.Common


XtraReport CreateReport(
    DrillThroughContext context


Name Type Description
context DrillThroughContext

A DrillThroughContext object.


Type Description

An XtraReport object.


To provide drill-through functionality to web reports, implement the IWebDocumentViewerDrillThroughProcessor interface.

The CreateReport method accepts a DrillThroughContext object that provides information about related reports.

To register a custom drill-through processor, call the DefaultWebDocumentViewerContainer.RegisterWebDocumentViewerDrillThroughProcessor<T> method at the application startup.

To process mouse events related to report elements on the client, handle the client-side ASPxClientWebDocumentViewer.PreviewClick event.

View Example: Web Reporting - How to create drill-through reports

See Also