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DefaultWebDocumentViewerContainer Methods

A default container for Web Document Viewer services.
Name Description
DisableCachedDocumentSource() static Disables the CachedDocumentSource component usage in the Web Document Viewer.
EnablePassingExportOptionsPasswordsToClient() static Enables passing PDF/Excel passwords specified in the Report Designer to the Web Document Viewer.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
Register<T, TImpl>() static Adds the specified service to the service container.
RegisterConnectionProviderFactory<T>() static Registers a factory that returns an object implementing the IConnectionProviderService interface.
RegisterDBSchemaProviderExFactory<T>() static Registers a custom database schema provider factory for the Document Viewer component.
RegisterEFContextProviderFactory<T>() static Registers a custom factory that allows you to obtain the EF Core context from the dependency injection container.
RegisterJsonDataConnectionProviderFactory<T>() static Registers a factory that returns a service that provides a JSON connection string by name.
RegisterSingleton<T>(T) static Enables registering a specified custom service instance in a Web Document Viewer.
RegisterSingleton<T, TImpl>() static Enables registering a custom service in a Web Document Viewer.
RegisterWebDocumentViewerDrillThroughProcessor<T>() static Registers a custom drill-through processor in a web application.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
UseAsyncEngine() static Allows you to use asynchronous interfaces and methods.
UseCachedReportSourceBuilder() static Forces reporting components to use the CachedReportSourceWeb instance as the report source.
UseDbStorage(String) static Enables the database storage for documents and reports.
UseEmptyStoragesCleaner() static Replaces a service that is used to clean the report and document storage with an empty service, avoiding automatic cleaning of this storage.
UseFileDocumentStorage(String, StorageSynchronizationMode) static Specifies a path and synchronization mode for the report document’s file storage.
UseFileDocumentStorage(String) static Specifies a path for the report document’s file storage.
UseFileExportedDocumentStorage(String, StorageSynchronizationMode) static Specifies a path and synchronization mode for the exported document’s file storage.
UseFileExportedDocumentStorage(String) static Specifies a path for the exported document’s file storage.
UseFileReportStorage(String, StorageSynchronizationMode) static Specifies a path and synchronization mode for report file storage.
UseFileReportStorage(String) static Specifies the path to the file cache storage used to cache the reports from which the Viewer generates documents.
UseReportStorageExtensionReportResolver() static Registers an implementation of the IWebDocumentViewerReportResolver interface based on an existing ReportStorageWebExtension.
See Also