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ReportDesignerModel Members

A model that contains information about a report. The Web Report Designer is bound to this model.


Name Description
ReportDesignerModel() Initializes a new instance of the ReportDesignerModel class with the default settings.
ReportDesignerModel(ReportDesignerModel) Initializes a new instance of the ReportDesignerModel class with the specified prototype.


Name Description
AllowMDI Gets or sets whether a user can close all reports designed in the Report Designer and leave the designer empty, or with only a single report. Inherited from ReportDesignerSettingsBase.
ConvertBindingsToExpressions Specifies whether end-users are prompted to convert a legacy report to use expression bindings when opening it in the End-User Report Designer.
CustomControlTypesInfo For internal use.
DataBindingMode Specifies the binding mode used to provide dynamic contents to reports.
DataSourceRefInfo Specifies the information about report data sources.
DataSources Specifies the data sources available in the Report Designer.
DataSourcesData For internal use.
DataSourceSettings Specifies settings that configure the user interface related to the data sources in the Report Designer. Inherited from ReportDesignerSettingsBase.
DefaultCrossTabControl For internal use.
FormatStringData Specifies the set of format strings to display in the FormatString Editor.
Internals For internal use.
IsCustomSqlDisabled Specifies whether or not the editing of custom SQL strings is disabled.
JsonWizardConnections For internal use.
KnownEnums For internal use.
MenuActions Specifies the menu actions available in the ReportDesignerModel.
MenuItemJSClickActions Specifies the JavaScript actions assigned to the menu items of a ReportDesignerModel.
ParameterEditingSettings Specifies settings that configure user interface elements related to the editing of parameters, parameter groups, and parameter separators in the Web Report Designer. Inherited from ReportDesignerSettingsBase.
QueryBuilderHandlerUri Specifies a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) with which the Query Builder will send requests.
ReportDesignerHandlerUri Specifies a custom ASP.NET handler (or MVC controller) to which requests are sent from a Web Report Designer.
ReportExtensions Specifies the extensions available in the ReportDesignerModel.
ReportModelJson For internal use.
ReportPreviewHandlerUri Specifies a custom ASP.NET handler (or MVC controller) to which requests are sent from a Web Report Designer’s Print Preview.
ReportPreviewSettings Inherited from ReportDesignerSettingsBase.
ReportUrl Specifies the report URL.
ReportWizardTemplates For internal use.
RightToLeft Enables or disables a right-to-left layout in the Web Report Designer user interface. Inherited from ReportDesignerSettingsBase.
Subreports Specifies the subreports available in the ReportDesignerModel.
WizardConnections Specifies the data connections available in the Data Source Wizard.
WizardSettings Provides access to the Report Wizard settings. Inherited from ReportDesignerSettingsBase.


Name Description
Assign(ReportDesignerSettingsBase) Copies the settings from the specified ReportDesignerSettingsBase object to the current object. Inherited from ReportDesignerSettingsBase.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
See Also