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ReportDesignerClientSideModelGenerator.GetJsonModelScriptAsync(String, IDictionary<String, Object>, String, String, String) Method

Asynchronously generates a client-side Report Designer model based on specified data and serializes this model to JSON.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraReports.Web.ReportDesigner

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraReports.v24.1.Web.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web.Reporting.Common


public Task<string> GetJsonModelScriptAsync(
    string reportUrl,
    IDictionary<string, object> dataSources,
    string controllerUri,
    string previewControllerUri,
    string queryBuilderControllerUri


Name Type Description
reportUrl String

A URL of report that the Report Designer opens.

dataSources IDictionary<String, Object>

A dictionary of data sources available in the Report Designer.

controllerUri String

The URI of the controller action that processes Report Designer requests.

previewControllerUri String

The URI of the controller action that processes Report Designer preview requests.

queryBuilderControllerUri String

The URI of the controller action that processes Query Builder requests.


Type Description

A task that returns a JSON representation of the client-side Report Designer model.

See Also