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Sample Northwind Database

  • 2 minutes to read

The how-to guides and code examples in our documentation use the Northwind sample database. This topic explains how you can get the database to perform the actions described in our tutorials.

Northwind SQLite Database

The Northwind SQLite Database is the recommended database for sample applications.

The database ships with the DevExpress installation package (the default path is C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\DevExpress Demos 24.1\Components\Data\nwind.db). You must install the System.Data.SQLite.Core NuGet package to use the SQLite database.

You can create the Data folder in your project, copy the nwind.db file to that folder and add the following connection string to the App.config file:

    <add name="nwind" connectionString="XpoProvider=SQLite;Data Source=.\Data\nwind.db" />

For more information on connection strings, review the following help topic: Connection String Examples.

Northwind Access 97 Database

The Northwind Access 97 database is the legacy database used earlier in the Reporting examples. You are encouraged to use the Northwind SQLite database instead.

If your project in Visual Studio 2022 has to connect to Microsoft Access databases, note that Visual Studio 2022 is a 64-bit process, and Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet and the Jet ODBC driver are only available in 32-bit versions. It is recommended that you use the 64-bit Microsoft Access Database Engine (Access Connectivity Engine, ACE), or use an earlier version of Visual Studio (VS 2019) that supports 32-bit database providers. For more information, review the following article: Connect to data in an Access database.