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Conditionally Hide Controls

  • 2 minutes to read

This document describes how to hide a report control based on a certain logical condition when the user views/prints/exports a report. To do this, set an expression for the Visible property of the control.

The report in this topic has a column that displays a check box when the Discontinued data field value is True.

Follow the steps below to conditionally hide controls:

  1. Drag the Discontinued data field from the Field List onto the report to create the Checkbox control bound to the Discontinued field:


  2. Set the XRCheckBox.GlyphOptions.Alignment property to Center:

    Checkbox Alignment Center

  3. Select the control, and click the f button to invoke the Expression Editor. Enter the following expression for the Visible property:



  4. Switch to preview mode to see the result:


Hide a Control at Runtime

Specify an Expression for the Visible Property

At runtime, you can specify an expression as described earlier:

using DevExpress.XtraReports.UI;

public XtraReport1() {
    // ...
    ExpressionBinding expressionBinding = new ExpressionBinding("BeforePrint", "Visible", "[Discontinued]");

Review the following help topic for more information: Create Expression at Runtime.

Handle the Control’s BeforePrint Event

Set the event argument’s Cancel property to True in the control’s BeforePrint event handler:

private void xrCheckBox1_BeforePrint(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) {
    e.Cancel = !Convert.ToBoolean(((XRControl)sender).Report.GetCurrentColumnValue("Discontinued"));

How to Avoid Empty Space When a Control is Hidden

To hide a control without leaving blank space in the report, set the properties as follows:


Empty string (‘’). To hide a control based on a condition, specify the following expression as the Text expression binding that conditionally sets its value to an empty string:

True (default value)