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.NET Framework 4.5.2+

XPInstantFeedbackView(Type, ServerViewProperty[], CriteriaOperator, Action<ResolveSessionEventArgs>, Action<ResolveSessionEventArgs>) Constructor

Initializes a new XPInstantFeedbackView instance that has specified settings.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpo

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpo.v19.2.dll


public XPInstantFeedbackView(
    Type objectType,
    ServerViewProperty[] properties,
    CriteriaOperator fixedCriteria,
    Action<ResolveSessionEventArgs> resolveSession,
    Action<ResolveSessionEventArgs> dismissSession


Name Type Description
objectType Type

A persistent type. This value is assigned to the ObjectType property.

properties ServerViewProperty[]

An array of ServerViewProperty objects that specifies property names to be loaded from the data store.

fixedCriteria CriteriaOperator

A filter expression to be applied to data on the data store side.

resolveSession Action<ResolveSessionEventArgs>

A delegate that is attached to the ResolveSession event.

dismissSession Action<ResolveSessionEventArgs>

A delegate that is attached to the DismissSession event.

See Also