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ReflectionClassInfo Members

Provides access to the metadata information of a class gathered via Reflection.


Name Description
ReflectionClassInfo(Type, XPDictionary) Initializes a new instance of the ReflectionClassInfo object with the specified ReflectionClassInfo.ClassType and XPClassInfo.Dictionary property.

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Name Description
AssemblyName Gets the name of the assembly that the class is declared in.
AssociationListProperties Gets a list of members that represent the “many” side of the association. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
Attributes Gets the attributes for this type. Inherited from XPTypeInfo.
BaseClass Gets the metadata information of the base class.
CanGetByClassType This property is intended for internal use. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
ClassType Gets the type of the class whose metadata is provided by this ReflectionClassInfo object.
CollectionProperties Gets the IEnumerable interface which populates XPMemberInfo objects for the XPCollection type properties. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
DefaultMembersPersistence Gets the rule that determines which members are persistent by default.
Dictionary Gets the XPDictionary object which the current XPClassInfo object belongs to. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
FullName Gets the full name of a class.
HasDescendants Gets whether the class described by the current XPClassInfo object has descendants. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
IdClass Gets the metadata information for the persistent class which provides the key value for the current object. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
IsAbstract Determines whether an instance of the current type is abstract. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
IsPersistent Gets whether a class or member of this type is persistent. Inherited from XPTypeInfo.
IsVisibleInDesignTime Gets whether a property or class is visible at design time. Inherited from XPTypeInfo.
KeyProperty Gets information on the key property or key field. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
Members Gets a collection of XPMemberInfo objects that are owned by the current persistent class metadata information and all its ancestors. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
NullableBehavior Determines if nullable columns should be created when updating the database schema for the persistent class described by the current XPClassInfo object. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
ObjectProperties Returns the IEnumerable interface which populates XPMemberInfo objects for properties with the IXPSimpleObject interface declaration. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
OptimisticLockField Gets the metadata of the member that represents the optimistic lock field. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
OptimisticLockFieldInDataLayer This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and cannot be used directly from your code. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
OptimisticLockFieldInDataLayerName This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and cannot be used directly from your code. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
OptimisticLockFieldName Gets the name of the system field that is used to control object locking for objects that have the object locking option enabled. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
OptimisticLockingBehavior Specifies the persistent object’s locking behavior. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
OptimisticLockingReadBehavior Specifies how XPO behaves when reloading a changed object. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
OwnMembers Gets a collection of XPMemberInfo objects that provide metadata information on all the members owned by the class.
PersistentBaseClass Gets the information about the nearest persistent parent class in the inheritance hierarchy. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
PersistentProperties Gets the collection of persistent properties and fields owned by the current persistent class metadata information. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
SuppressSuspiciousMemberInheritanceCheck static Obsolete. Specifies whether exceptions are thrown when overridden properties have attributes from the DevExpress.Xpo namespace applied.
Table Gets the DBTable object which the public properties and public fields are saved in. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
TableMapType Gets a value that specifies which table persistent properties and fields are saved to. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
TableName Gets the name of the table in the data layer in which the object’s data is stored. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
TrackPropertiesModifications Specifies whether or not the persistent object properties modifications are tracked. Inherited from XPClassInfo.

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Name Description
AddAttribute(Attribute) Adds a new attribute to the attribute collection of the type. Inherited from XPTypeInfo.
AddMember(XPMemberInfo) Adds the specified member’s metadata information to the ReflectionClassInfo.OwnMembers collection.
CheckAbstractReference() This member supports the XPO Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
ClearModifications(Object) Clears modifications made with the specified persistent object.
CreateMember(String, XPClassInfo, Attribute[]) Creates a new member metadata which is referenced to the specified XPClassInfo object. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
CreateMember(String, XPClassInfo, Boolean, Attribute[]) Creates a new member metadata which is referenced to the specified XPClassInfo object. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
CreateMember(String, XPClassInfo, Boolean, Boolean, Attribute[]) Creates a new member metadata which references the specified XPClassInfo object. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
CreateMember(String, Type, Attribute[]) Creates a new member metadata. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
CreateMember(String, Type, Boolean, Attribute[]) Creates a new member metadata. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
CreateMember(String, Type, Boolean, Boolean, Attribute[]) Creates a new member metadata. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
CreateNewObject(Session) Creates a new persistent object. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
CreateObject(Session) Instantiates an existing persistent object upon loading it from the database. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
FindAttributeInfo(String) Searches for an attribute with the specified name. Inherited from XPTypeInfo.
FindAttributeInfo(Type) Searches for an attribute of the specified type. Inherited from XPTypeInfo.
FindMember(String) Returns information on the member with the specified name. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
GetAttributeInfo(String) Returns the attribute with the specified name. Inherited from XPTypeInfo.
GetAttributeInfo(Type) Returns the attribute of the specified type. Inherited from XPTypeInfo.
GetCriteriaCompilerDescriptor(Session) This method is intended for internal use. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
GetEvaluatorContextDescriptor() This member supports the XPO Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
GetEvaluatorContextDescriptorInTransaction() This member supports the XPO Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetId(Object) Gets the value of the key property. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
GetMember(String) Returns information on the member with the specified name. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
GetPersistentMember(String) Returns information on the persistent member with the specified name. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
GetPropertiesListForUpdateInsert(Session, Object, Boolean, Boolean) static This member supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
GetRefTypes() This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and cannot be used directly from your code. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
GetShortAssemblyName(Assembly) static Gets the short name of the specified assembly. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
HasAttribute(String) Determines whether the type has the specified attribute. Inherited from XPTypeInfo.
HasAttribute(Type) Determines whether the type has an attribute of the specified type. Inherited from XPTypeInfo.
HasModifications(Object) Checks if there are modifications in the specified persistent object.
IsAssignableTo(XPClassInfo) Determines whether an instance of the current type can be assigned to an instance of the specified type. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
RemoveAttribute(Type) Removes the attribute of the specified type. Inherited from XPTypeInfo.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the full name of the class. Inherited from XPClassInfo.
See Also