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.NET Standard 2.0+
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.NET Core 3.0+ and .NET Standard 2.0 Support

  • 3 minutes to read


Install the DevExpress.Xpo NuGet package to add XPO assemblies to WinForms and WPF applications that target .NET Core 3.0+.

ASP.NET Core Support

Dependency Injection

XPO implements extension methods for the standard IServiceCollection interface to register XPO services for the ASP.NET Core pipeline. This follows best practices for the platform and enables automatic management of the Data Layer and Session life cycles.


JSON Serialization

You can use XPO as a Data Access layer in an ASP.NET Core Web API service.




Platform Limitations

.NET Core 3 misses a part of APIs that are present in the .NET Framework. Use the .NET Portability Analyzer tool to determine whether your application uses such APIs.

You can refactor your code to reduce the number of calls to missing APIs. Look for an alternative API with the required functionality.

Useful resource: .NET Framework technologies unavailable on .NET Core.

XPO for .NET Core 3 has the following limitations:

  1. ImageValueConverter requires System.Drawing.Common 5.0+. In Xamarin/Mono projects, change your image property type from System.Drawing.Image to byte[] as shown in the Delayed Loading topic.

  2. The GetConnectionProvider(String, AutoCreateOption) and GetDataLayer(String, AutoCreateOption) methods do not work if you pass a URL to a WCF service as the connectionString parameter. For more information, refer to the WCF client in .NET Core Support Center ticket.

  3. Certain features specific to database vendors are not supported. For example, the latest version of System.Data.SqlClient is not compatible with SQL Server 2000.

  4. You cannot use service classes listed in the Transferring Data using WCF Services topic in .NET Core 3.0+ and .NET Standard 2.0. Use WebApiDataStoreClient and WebApiDataStoreService instead. For more information, refer to the following help topic: Transfer Data via REST API.

Design-Time Limitations

The following design-time features rely on IDE capabilities and are not available in .NET Core 3 projects developed in Visual Studio 2019.

  1. Design-time support for XPCollection and other data source components.
  2. ORM Data Model Designer and Wizard, Item and Project Templates, and LINQPad context driver.
See Also