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HierarchicalChartControlBase.Legend Property

Gets or sets a treemap/sunburst legend.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraTreeMap

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraTreeMap.v24.1.UI.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.TreeMap


public LegendBase Legend { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

An object of a class derived from LegendBase.


A legend contains descriptions of colors used to paint treemap/sunburst items. Each legend item includes the treemap item’s group name (if the group does not have nested groups) or the sunburst item’s root group name with the corresponding color marker.

Sunburst legend

Initialize the Legend property with the LegendBase class descendant to add a legend to a treemap/sunburst. You can also use the predefined legend type (ColorListLegend) to initialize the Legend property.

Example: How to Add a Legend to a Treemap

This example adds a legend to a treemap and configures its title, border, and text settings.

Treemap legend

using DevExpress.XtraTreeMap;
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {

        // Create a legend.
        ColorListLegend legend = new ColorListLegend();

        // Specify the legend title, and the title's color and font.
        legend.Title.Text = "Field of Activity";
        legend.Title.TextColor = Color.Black;
        legend.Title.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 10);

        // Define the color for legend items.
        legend.TextColor = Color.Black;

        // Set the offset beween an item's marker and text.
        legend.TextOffset = 16;

        // Specify the legend alignment and position.
        legend.Direction = LegendDirection.LeftToRight;
        legend.HorizontalAlignment = LegendHorizontalAlignment.Center;
        legend.VerticalAlignment = LegendVerticalAlignment.BottomOutside;

        // Define whether to arrange items in left-aligned columns.
        legend.EquallySpacedItems = true;

        // Configure the border color and width.
        legend.BorderColor = Color.LightGray;
        legend.BorderWidth = 1;

        // Assign the legend to the treemap.
        treeMapControl1.Legend = legend;

Colorizer Specificity

A legend item’s marker appearance and text depends on the colorizer type that you use to color treemap/sunburst items.

The legend shows value ranges if a TreeMapRangeColorizer is applied to the treemap chart:

A legend with ranges

If you use a TreeMapGroupGradientColorizer or SunburstGradientColorizer, the legend displays a gradient marker for legend items:

Gradient legend items

The legend is not displayed in the following cases:

Format Text in Legend

If you want to format legend item text, you should apply a colorizer to a treemap/sunburst and configure the colorizer’s TreeMapPaletteColorizerBase.LegendItemPattern (SunburstPaletteColorizerBase.LegendItemPattern) property.

See Also