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CalcNodeHeightEventArgs(TreeListNode, Int32) Constructor

Creates an instance of the CalcNodeHeightEventArgs class.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraTreeList

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraTreeList.v24.1.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Win.Navigation, DevExpress.Win.TreeList


public CalcNodeHeightEventArgs(
    TreeListNode node,
    int nodeHeight


Name Type Description
node TreeListNode

A TreeListNode object representing the node whose height is calculated. This value is assigned to the NodeEventArgs.Node property.

nodeHeight Int32

An integer value specifying the node height. This value is assigned to the CalcNodeHeightEventArgs.NodeHeight property.


CalcNodeHeightEventArgs type objects provide data for TreeList.CalcNodeHeight event handlers. Each time this event fires for a particular node, an instance of the CalcNodeHeightEventArgs class with appropriate settings is created and transmitted into the handler.

See Also