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SchedulerControl.ShowRecurrentAppointmentDeleteForm(Appointment, ref Boolean) Method


You should use the 'QueryDeleteAppointmentResult ShowRecurrentAppointmentDeleteForm(Appointment apt)' instead

Invokes the Delete Recurrent Appointments dialog for the specified appointment. Obsolete. Use the SchedulerControl.ShowDeleteRecurrentAppointmentForm method instead.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraScheduler

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v19.2.dll


[Obsolete("You should use the 'QueryDeleteAppointmentResult ShowRecurrentAppointmentDeleteForm(Appointment apt)' instead", true)]
public virtual DialogResult ShowRecurrentAppointmentDeleteForm(
    Appointment apt,
    ref bool deleteSeries


Name Type Description
apt Appointment

An Appointment object which is the appointment to delete.

deleteSeries Boolean

True to delete the entire series of a recurring appointment; otherwise, false.


Type Description

A DialogResult enumeration value that is the return value of the dialog.


This method is now obsolete. You should use the SchedulerControl.ShowDeleteRecurrentAppointmentForm method instead.

See Also