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MapControl.ZoomToFitLayerItems Method

Name Parameters Description
ZoomToFitLayerItems() none Zooms the map to fit items contained by the MapControl.Layers property.
ZoomToFitLayerItems(Boolean) roundZoomLevel Zooms the map to fit items that all map layers contain.
ZoomToFitLayerItems(IEnumerable<LayerBase>, Double, Boolean) layers, paddingFactor, roundZoomLevel Zooms the map to fit items contained in the layers passed in the method parameters.
ZoomToFitLayerItems(IEnumerable<LayerBase>, Double) layers, paddingFactor Zooms the map to fit items contained in the specified set of LayerBase class descendant objects.
ZoomToFitLayerItems(IEnumerable<LayerBase>) layers Zooms the map to fit items contained in the specified set of LayerBase class descendant objects.
ZoomToFitLayerItems(Double) paddingFactor Zooms the map to fit items contained by the MapControl.Layers property.