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LayoutGroup Members

A base class for regular layout groups.


Name Description
AccessibleDescription Gets or sets the object’s description used by accessibility client applications. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
AccessibleName Gets or sets the object’s name used by accessibility client applications. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
AccessibleRole Gets or sets the object’s accessible role. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
AllowBorderColorBlending Gets or sets whether to colorize the layout group border and caption using the LayoutGroup.AppearanceGroup.BorderColor setting in skinning paint schemes. This property is ignored by default starting from v18.2.
AllowCustomizeChildren Gets or sets whether the layout of the current container can be customized using drag and drop. Inherited from LayoutItemContainer.
AllowDrawBackground Gets or sets whether to paint the group’s background when the LayoutGroup.GroupBordersVisible property is set to false.
AllowGlyphSkinning Gets or sets whether the group or tab’s icon is filled with the control’s foreground color.
AllowHide Gets or sets whether the item can be hidden to the Customization Form. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
AllowHtmlStringInCaption Gets or sets whether HTML formatting is allowed within the layout group caption.
AppearanceGroup Provides access to the properties that control the group’s appearance. Inherited from LayoutItemContainer.
AppearanceItemCaption Gets the appearance settings used to paint a layout item’s caption. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
AppearanceTabPage Provides access to a tabbed group’s appearance settings. Inherited from LayoutItemContainer.
BackgroundImage Gets or sets the group’s background image that can be stretched across the group, tiled, centered, etc.
BackgroundImageLayout Gets or sets the position and behavior of the background image assigned to the LayoutGroup.BackgroundImage property.
BackgroundImageOptions Provides access to all properties that allow you to assign and customize this group’s background image at the bottom layer.
BackgroundImageVisible Gets or sets whether the background image, specified by the LayoutGroup.BackgroundImage property, is in effect.
BestFitWeight Gets or sets the width of the current BaseLayoutItem relative to other items’ width after the LayoutControl.BestFit method has been called. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
BindingContext Gets or sets the BindingContext for the item. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
Bounds Gets the layout item’s bounding rectangle. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
CanChangeLayoutModeForChildSelectedGroup Returns whether the layout mode can be changed for a LayoutGroup.
CanCreateTabbedGroupForSelectedGroup Returns whether a new tabbed group can be created within the current group which will display a selected child group.
CanGroupSelectedItems Returns whether a new group can be created within the current group which will display selected child items.
CanRaiseEvents protected Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event. Inherited from Component.
CaptionImage Specifies the image to display within the group’s caption area.
CaptionImageIndex Gets or sets the index of an image in the LayoutControl.Images or LayoutView.Images collection that is displayed in the group or tab’s label.
CaptionImageLocation Gets or sets the icon’s alignment relative to the text.
CaptionImageOptions Gets options that specify the label’s icon.
CaptionImagePadding Gets or sets the amount of space between the icon and the label’s bounds.
CaptionImageVisible Gets or sets whether the label’s icon is visible.
CellSize Obsolete. Not supported.
Container Gets the IContainer that contains the Component. Inherited from Component.
ContentImage Gets or sets the group’s background image that is displayed “as is”, and can be aligned to any group’s edge.
ContentImageAlignment Gets or sets the content image’s alignment within the group.
ContentImageOptions Provides access to all properties that allow you to assign and customize this group’s background image at the top layer.
Count Gets the number of items that the current group owns.
CustomHeaderButtons Gets or sets the collection of custom buttons displayed in the group header.
CustomizationFormText Gets or sets the layout item’s caption within the Customization Form. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
DataBindings Gets the data bindings for the layout item. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
DefaultLayoutType Gets or sets the default layout type for newly created items within the current group.
DesignMode protected Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode. Inherited from Component.
Enabled Gets or sets whether layout items that belong to the current group are enabled.
EnableIndentsWithoutBorders Gets or sets whether a layout group’s indents, specified by its BaseLayoutItem.Spacing and BaseLayoutItem.Padding properties, are applied when the group’s borders are hidden.
Events protected Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component. Inherited from Component.
ExpandButtonLocation Obsolete. Gets or sets the position of the expand button within the group header.
ExpandButtonMode Gets or sets the direction of the expand button’s arrow.
ExpandButtonVisible Gets or sets whether the group’s expand button is visible.
Expanded Gets or sets whether the current group is expanded.
ExpandOnDoubleClick Gets or sets whether the group is expanded/collapsed on double-clicking its caption.
FlowDirection Gets or sets the direction according to which the LayoutGroup arranges its child elements.
GroupBordersVisible Gets whether the group’s borders are visible.
GroupStyle Gets or sets the border and the header style of this LayoutGroup.
HeaderButtonsLocation Gets or sets whether the group header buttons are displayed before or after text.
Height Gets or sets the layout item’s height. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
ImageList Gets a collection of images that can be displayed in the group’s label.
IsDisposing Gets whether the current item is being disposed of. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
IsGroup Gets whether the current layout item represents a Layout Group. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
IsHidden Gets whether the layout item is hidden. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
IsInTabbedGroup Gets whether the current group is displayed as a tab within a tabbed group.
IsUpdateLocked Gets whether the layout item has been locked for updating. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
Item[Int32] Provides indexed access to the items that belong to the current group.
Items Provides access to the collection of items owned by the current group.
LayoutMode Gets or sets the layout mode for a LayoutGroup.
Location Gets or sets the coordinates of the layout item’s top left corner. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
MaxSize Gets the maximum size of the group.
MinSize Gets the minimum size of the group.
MoveFocusDirection Gets or sets whether, in Automatic Tab Order mode when TAB is pressed, the focus moves across grouped controls and then down, or first down and then across.
MoveFocusRightToLeft Gets or sets whether, in Automatic Tab Order mode when TAB is pressed, the focus moves across grouped controls from right to left.
Name Gets or sets the layout item’s name. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
OptionsCustomization Contains options that specify which operations can be performed on the layout item at runtime. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
OptionsIconToolTip Obsolete. This member is obsolete. Use the BaseLayoutItem.OptionsToolTip property instead. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
OptionsItemText Gets the options that determine how the controls displayed within the current group are aligned.
OptionsItemToolTip Obsolete. This member is obsolete. Use the BaseLayoutItem.OptionsToolTip property instead. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
OptionsPrint The group’s print/export options. This object’s settings affect all layout items owned by the group.
OptionsTableLayoutGroup Provides settings and events for table layout customization.
OptionsTableLayoutItem Provides access to the options that specify how a layout item is arranged within a table layout. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
OptionsToolTip Contains options that allow tooltips to be assigned to layout items and their images. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
Owner Gets or set the LayoutControl that owns the current layout item. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
Padding Gets or sets the amount of space in pixels between the item’s borders and its contents. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
PageEnabled Gets or sets whether the tab that corresponds to the current group is enabled. This property is in effect when the group is represented as a tab page within a TabbedControlGroup.
PaintAppearanceGroup Provides access to the appearance settings currently used to paint the layout group. Inherited from LayoutItemContainer.
PaintAppearanceItemCaption Provides access to the appearance settings currently used to paint layout items that belong to the current container. Inherited from LayoutItemContainer.
Parent Gets or sets the group that owns the current group.
ParentName Gets or sets the name of the item’s parent. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
ParentTabbedGroup Gets the parent tabbed group if the current group is displayed as a tab.
Selected Gets or sets the selection state of the current item. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
SelectedItems Provides access to the collection of selected items within the current group.
ShowInCustomizationForm Gets or sets whether the layout item is displayed within the Customization Form when the item is hidden. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
ShowTabPageCloseButton Gets or sets whether a Close button is displayed within a group when it’s embedded into a TabbedGroup.
Site Gets or sets the ISite of the Component. Inherited from Component.
Size Gets or sets the group’s size.
Spacing Gets or sets the outer indents of the item’s borders. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
StartNewLine Gets or sets whether the current item starts a new row within a flow layout. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
TabbedGroupParentName Gets the name of the group’s parent if the current group is displayed as a tab.
TabPageWidth Gets or sets the width, in pixels, of tab headers. Inherited from LayoutItemContainer.
Tag Gets or sets an object that contains data on the current layout item. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
Text Gets or sets the caption of this layout item. If the Text property is null (Nothing in VB.NET) or String.Empty, this property returns the item name. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
TextLocation Gets or sets the container’s side along which its caption is displayed. Inherited from LayoutItemContainer.
TextSize Not supported. Inherited from LayoutItemContainer.
TextToControlDistance Not supported. Inherited from LayoutItemContainer.
TextVisible Gets or sets whether the text region is visible. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
TypeName Gets the name of the item’s type.
ViewInfo Gets the object which contains the information used to render the layout group.
Visibility Allows you to hide the item from the Layout Control and Customization Form. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
Visible Gets whether the layout item is visible. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
Width Gets or sets the layout item’s width. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
X Gets or sets the X coordinate of the item’s top left corner relative to the parent’s top left corner. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
Y Gets or sets the Y coordinate of the item’s top left corner relative to the parent’s top left corner. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.


Name Description
Accept(BaseVisitor) Invokes the Visit method of the specified visitor for each layout item that belongs to the current layout item group.
Add(BaseLayoutItem) Adds the specified item along the bottom or right edge of the current group.
AddGroup() Creates a new group and adds it to the current group.
AddGroup(BaseLayoutItem, InsertType) Creates a new group at a position relative to an item within the current group.
AddGroup(LayoutGroup, BaseLayoutItem, InsertType) Inserts the specified group at a position relative to an item within the current group.
AddGroup(LayoutGroup) Inserts the specified group to the current group.
AddGroup(String, BaseLayoutItem, InsertType) Creates a new group with the specified caption at a position relative to an item within the current group.
AddGroup(String) Creates a new group with the default layout type and the specified caption, and adds it to the current group.
AddItem() Creates a new layout item and adds it to the current group.
AddItem(BaseLayoutItem, BaseLayoutItem, InsertType) Inserts the specified item at a position relative to another item within the current group.
AddItem(BaseLayoutItem, InsertType) Creates a new layout item at a position relative to an item within the current group.
AddItem(BaseLayoutItem) Inserts the specified item to the current group.
AddItem(String, BaseLayoutItem, BaseLayoutItem, InsertType) Inserts the specified item at a position relative to another item within the current group. Allows the new text to be specified for the item.
AddItem(String, BaseLayoutItem, InsertType) Creates a new layout item with the specified text at a position relative to an item within the current group.
AddItem(String) Creates a new layout item with the specified text and adds it to the current group.
AddTabbedGroup() Creates a new tabbed group and adds it to the current group.
AddTabbedGroup(BaseLayoutItem, InsertType) Creates a new tabbed group at a position relative to an item within the current group.
AddTabbedGroup(TabbedGroup, BaseLayoutItem, InsertType) Inserts the specified tabbed group at a position relative to an item within the current group.
AddTabbedGroup(TabbedGroup) Inserts the specified tabbed group to the current group.
Assign(BaseLayoutItem) Assigns the specified object’s property values to the current object’s corresponding properties. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
BeginInit() Starts the component’s initialization. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
BeginUpdate() Locks the LayoutItemContainer object by preventing visual updates of the object and its elements until the EndUpdate method is called. Inherited from LayoutItemContainer.
BestFit() Resizes all elements with the group so that they are displayed in the optimal way.
CanMove(LayoutItemDragController) Returns whether the layout item can be moved to a specific position. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
CanMoveItem(LayoutItemDragController) Returns whether the specified item can be moved to the specified new position.
Clear() Removes the items from the current group.
Clear(Boolean) Removes all items from the current group.
ClearSelection() Clears selected items specified by the LayoutGroup.SelectedItems property.
Clone(LayoutGroup, ILayoutControl) Creates a copy of the current layout item. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
Contains(BaseLayoutItem) Gets whether the specified item belongs to the current container. Inherited from LayoutItemContainer.
CreateGroupForSelectedItems() Creates a new group that will contain the currently selected child items.
CreateObjRef(Type) Creates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
CreateTabbedGroupForSelectedGroup() Creates a new tabbed group that will display the selected child group within the current group.
Dispose() Releases all resources used by the Component. Inherited from Component.
EndInit() Finishes the component’s initialization. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
EndUpdate() Unlocks the LayoutItemContainer object after a call to the BeginUpdate method and causes an immediate visual update. Inherited from LayoutItemContainer.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
FlipLayout() Flips the current group’s layout items around a vertical axis.
FlipLayout(Boolean) Flips the current group’s layout items around a vertical axis, and optionally allows you to flip the items in nested groups, if any.
GetDefaultText() Gets the default value of the group’s BaseLayoutItem.Text property.
GetDisplayText() Returns the BaseLayoutItem‘s BaseLayoutItem.Text value without HTML tags and hotkey prefixes (the “&” symbol). Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetLifetimeService() Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
GetPaintAppearanceItemCaptionByState(ObjectState) Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
GetService(Type) protected Returns an object that represents a service provided by the Component or by its Container. Inherited from Component.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
HideToCustomization() Hides the item to the Customization Form. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
InitializeLifetimeService() Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
Invalidate() Invalidates the region which is occupied by the Layout Group.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone(Boolean) protected Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
Move(BaseLayoutItem, InsertType, MoveType) Moves the item to the specified visual position within the LayoutControl. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
Move(BaseLayoutItem, InsertType) Moves the item to the specified visual position within the LayoutControl. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
Move(LayoutItemDragController) Moves the layout group to the specified position within the LayoutControl.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
Remove(BaseLayoutItem) Removes the specified child item within the current group.
RemoveAt(Int32) Removes the child item at the specified index.
RestoreFromCustomization() Restores the current layout item from the Customization Form and adds it to the root group with the default layout type. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
RestoreFromCustomization(BaseLayoutItem, InsertType) Restores the current layout item from the Customization Form and adds it to the parent group of the specified item at the specified visual position. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
RestoreFromCustomization(LayoutItemDragController) Restores the current layout item from the Customization Form and displays it at the specified position within the LayoutControl. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
RestoreFromCustomization(LayoutGroup) Restores the current layout item from the Customization Form and adds it to the specified group with the default layout type. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
RotateLayout() Interchanges the columns and rows of layout items, including columns and rows of nested groups.
RotateLayout(Boolean) Interchanges the columns and rows of layout items, and optionally allows you to rotate nested groups.
ToString() Returns a String containing the name of the Component, if any. This method should not be overridden. Inherited from Component.
UngroupSelected() Ungroups the selected child group.
Update() Updates the region occupied by the layout item. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.


Name Description
Click Fires when the current item is clicked. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
CustomButtonChecked Fires when a custom header button is checked.
CustomButtonClick Fires on a regular (push) custom header button click.
CustomButtonUnchecked Fires when a custom header button is unchecked.
CustomDraw Allows you to custom paint the current item. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
CustomDrawBackground Allows you to custom paint the group’s client area background.
CustomDrawCaption Allows you to custom paint the caption region.
CustomDrawHeaderButton Allows you to custom paint header buttons (LayoutGroup.CustomHeaderButtons).
Disposed Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the Dispose() method. Inherited from Component.
DoubleClick Fires when the current item is clicked. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
Hidden Fires after an item has been hidden. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
Hiding Fires when the item is about to be hidden (when dragging the item and dropping it onto on the Customization Form). Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
MouseDown Occurs when the mouse pointer is over a layout item and a mouse button is pressed. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
MouseUp Occurs when the mouse button is released if it was pressed within a layout item. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
Showing Fires when the item is about to be added to the layout (by dragging it from the Customization Form). Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
Shown Fires after an item has been made visible. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
TextChanged Fires after the layout item’s text has been changed. Inherited from BaseLayoutItem.
See Also