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LayoutControl.ExportToMht Method

Name Parameters Description
ExportToMht(Stream, MhtExportOptions) stream, options Exports the control’s data to the specified stream in MHT format using the specified options.
ExportToMht(Stream, String, String, Boolean) stream, htmlCharSet, title, compressed Obsolete. Exports the controls displayed within the LayoutControl to a stream in MHT format using the specified character encoding, with the specified title. The output file can be compressed (secondary characters e.g. spaces are removed) if required.
ExportToMht(String, MhtExportOptions) filePath, options Exports the control’s data to the specified file in MHT format using the specified options.
ExportToMht(String, String, String, Boolean) filePath, htmlCharSet, title, compressed Obsolete. Exports the controls displayed within the LayoutControl to a file in MHT format using the specified character encoding, with the specified title. The output file can be compressed (secondary characters e.g. spaces are removed) if required.
ExportToMht(String, String) filePath, htmlCharSet Obsolete. Exports the controls displayed within the LayoutControl to a file in MHT format using the specified character encoding.
ExportToMht(String) filePath Exports the controls displayed within the LayoutControl to a file in MHT format.