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WinExplorerViewStyleOptions.HorizontalIndent Property

Gets or sets the horizontal distance between the WinExplorerView items within the current View Style.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.WinExplorer

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraGrid.v24.1.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Win.Grid, DevExpress.Win.Navigation


public int HorizontalIndent { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Default Description
Int32 -1

An Int32 value that is the horizontal distance between the WinExplorerView items within the current View Style.

Property Paths

You can access this nested property as listed below:

Object Type Path to HorizontalIndent
.ExtraLarge .HorizontalIndent
.Large .HorizontalIndent
.Medium .HorizontalIndent
.Small .HorizontalIndent
.Tiles .HorizontalIndent


The HorizontalIndent property specifies the horizontal distance between items within the current View Style. Since in the WinExplorerViewStyle.Content Style, items are arranged one below the other and occupy the entire View’s width, the HorizontalIndent property has no effect for this Style.

You can also specify item vertical distance or surrounding margins via the WinExplorerViewStyleOptions.VerticalIndent or WinExplorerViewStyleOptions.ContentMargins properties respectively.

See Also