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PopupMenuShowingEventArgs Constructors

Contains data for the GridView.PopupMenuShowing event.
Name Parameters Description
PopupMenuShowingEventArgs(GridViewMenu, GridHitInfo) menu, hitInfo Initializes a new instance of the PopupMenuShowingEventArgs class with the specified menu and hit information.
PopupMenuShowingEventArgs(GridMenuType, GridViewMenu, GridHitInfo, Boolean) menuType, menu, hitInfo, allow Initializes a new instance of the PopupMenuShowingEventArgs class with the specified menu type, menu object, hit information and a value indicating whether or not a popup menu should be shown.
PopupMenuShowingEventArgs(GridMenuType, GridViewMenu, Point, Boolean) menuType, menu, point, allow Initializes a new instance of the PopupMenuShowingEventArgs class with the specified menu type, menu object, menu position and a value indicating whether or not a popup menu should be shown.
See Also