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WindowsUIButton(String, Image, Int32, ImageLocation, ButtonStyle, String, Boolean, Int32, Boolean, SuperToolTip, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Object, Object, Int32, Boolean, Boolean) Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the WindowsUIButton class with custom settings.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking2010

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraBars.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Navigation


public WindowsUIButton(
    string caption,
    Image image,
    int imageIndex,
    ImageLocation imageLocation,
    ButtonStyle style,
    string toolTip,
    bool useCaption,
    int visibleIndex,
    bool enabled,
    SuperToolTip superTip,
    bool useImage,
    bool checked,
    bool visible,
    object glyphs,
    object tag,
    int groupIndex,
    bool isLeft,
    bool enableImageTransparency


Name Type Description
caption String

A String value that is the newly created WindowsUIButton‘s caption.

image Image

An Image that is the newly created WindowsUIButton‘s icon.

imageIndex Int32

An Int32 value that specifies an image within the IButtonProperties.Images collection as the newly created WindowsUIButton‘s icon.

imageLocation DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking2010.ImageLocation

An ImageLocation enumerator value that specifies the position of the newly created WindowsUIButton‘s icon relative to this button’s text.

style ButtonStyle

A ButtonStyle enumerator value specifying whether the newly created WindowsUIButton is a regular (push) or check button.

toolTip String

A String value that is the WindowsUIButton‘s tool-tip.

useCaption Boolean

true if the WindowsUIButton should display its caption; otherwise, false.

visibleIndex Int32

An Int32 value specifying the newly created WindowsUIButton order relative to other WindowsUIButtons.

enabled Boolean

true if the button is enabled; otherwise, false.

superTip SuperToolTip

A SuperToolTip object associated with the WindowsUIButton created.

useImage Boolean

true if the WindowsUIButton should display its image; otherwise, false.

checked Boolean

true if the button is initially checked; otherwise, false (for check-buttons only).

visible Boolean

true if the button is initially visible; otherwise, false.

glyphs Object

An Object that stores button icons.

tag Object

An Object that is the newly created button’s tag.

groupIndex Int32

An Int32 value that specifies a radio button group to which the newly created WindowsUIButton belongs (for check-buttons only).

isLeft Boolean

true if the button is horizontally aligned to the left; otherwise, false.

enableImageTransparency Boolean

true if the button’s icon can be transparent; otherwise, false.

See Also