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SnapSparkline Properties

Provides functionality to manipulate sparklines in Snap documents.
Name Description
Active Indicates whether or not the SnapEntity is locked. Inherited from SnapEntity.
AreaOpacity Specifies the opacity (0-255) of an area sparkline.
BarDistance Specifies the distance between two bars of a bar sparkline.
Color Specifies the color to draw a SnapSparkline.
DataFieldName Specifies the name of a data field that is assigned to the Snap field. Inherited from SnapSingleListItemEntity.
DataSourceName Specifies the name of a sparkline data source.
Document Provides access to a SnapDocument, to which the SnapEntity belongs. Inherited from SnapEntity.
EmptyFieldDataAlias Specifies the text to show in a document instead of a blank space if a Snap field receives an empty data source record. Inherited from SnapSingleListItemEntity.
EnableEmptyFieldDataAlias Enables the application displaying a custom text instead of a blank space if a Snap field receives an empty data source record. Inherited from SnapSingleListItemEntity.
EndPointColor Gets or sets the color to draw the end point of a sparkline.
EndPointMarkerSize Specifies the size of a sparkline’s end point marker.
Field Provides access to a Field associated with the SnapEntity. Inherited from SnapEntity.
Height Specifies the sparkline height.
HighlightEndPoint Specifies whether or not to highlight the end point of a sparkline.
HighlightMaxPoint Specifies whether or not to highlight the maximum point of a sparkline.
HighlightMinPoint Specifies whether or not to highlight the minimum point of a sparkline.
HighlightNegativePoints Specifies whether or not to highlight negative points of a sparkline.
HighlightStartPoint Specifies whether or not to highlight the start point of a sparkline.
LineWidth Specifies the width of a line in a SnapSparkline.
MarkerColor Specifies the color to draw line markers.
MarkerSize Specifies the size of line markers.
MaxPointColor Specifies the color to draw the maximum point of a sparkline.
MaxPointMarkerSize Specifies the size of a maximum point’s marker.
MinPointColor Specifies the color to draw the minimum point of a sparkline.
MinPointMarkerSize Specifies the size of a minimum point’s marker.
NegativePointColor Specifies the color to draw negative points.
NegativePointMarkerSize Specifies the size of markers for negative points.
ShowMarkers Specifies the visibility of point markers on a sparkline.
Size Specifies the sparkline dimensions.
StartPointColor Specifies the color to draw the start point of a sparkline.
StartPointMarkerSize Specifies the size of a start point’s marker.
SubDocument Provides access to an object implementing the basic document functionality that is common for the header, footer and the main document body. Inherited from SnapEntity.
ViewType Specifies a sparkline view type.
Width Specifies the sparkline width.
See Also