SnapSparkline Properties
Provides functionality to manipulate sparklines in Snap documents.Name | Description |
Active | Indicates whether or not the SnapEntity is locked. Inherited from SnapEntity. |
AreaOpacity | Specifies the opacity (0-255) of an area sparkline. |
BarDistance | Specifies the distance between two bars of a bar sparkline. |
Color | Specifies the color to draw a SnapSparkline. |
DataFieldName | Specifies the name of a data field that is assigned to the Snap field. Inherited from SnapSingleListItemEntity. |
DataSourceName | Specifies the name of a sparkline data source. |
Document | Provides access to a SnapDocument, to which the SnapEntity belongs. Inherited from SnapEntity. |
EmptyFieldDataAlias | Specifies the text to show in a document instead of a blank space if a Snap field receives an empty data source record. Inherited from SnapSingleListItemEntity. |
EnableEmptyFieldDataAlias | Enables the application displaying a custom text instead of a blank space if a Snap field receives an empty data source record. Inherited from SnapSingleListItemEntity. |
EndPointColor | Gets or sets the color to draw the end point of a sparkline. |
EndPointMarkerSize | Specifies the size of a sparkline’s end point marker. |
Field | Provides access to a Field associated with the SnapEntity. Inherited from SnapEntity. |
Height | Specifies the sparkline height. |
HighlightEndPoint | Specifies whether or not to highlight the end point of a sparkline. |
HighlightMaxPoint | Specifies whether or not to highlight the maximum point of a sparkline. |
HighlightMinPoint | Specifies whether or not to highlight the minimum point of a sparkline. |
HighlightNegativePoints | Specifies whether or not to highlight negative points of a sparkline. |
HighlightStartPoint | Specifies whether or not to highlight the start point of a sparkline. |
LineWidth | Specifies the width of a line in a SnapSparkline. |
MarkerColor | Specifies the color to draw line markers. |
MarkerSize | Specifies the size of line markers. |
MaxPointColor | Specifies the color to draw the maximum point of a sparkline. |
MaxPointMarkerSize | Specifies the size of a maximum point’s marker. |
MinPointColor | Specifies the color to draw the minimum point of a sparkline. |
MinPointMarkerSize | Specifies the size of a minimum point’s marker. |
NegativePointColor | Specifies the color to draw negative points. |
NegativePointMarkerSize | Specifies the size of markers for negative points. |
ShowMarkers | Specifies the visibility of point markers on a sparkline. |
Size | Specifies the sparkline dimensions. |
StartPointColor | Specifies the color to draw the start point of a sparkline. |
StartPointMarkerSize | Specifies the size of a start point’s marker. |
SubDocument | Provides access to an object implementing the basic document functionality that is common for the header, footer and the main document body. Inherited from SnapEntity. |
ViewType | Specifies a sparkline view type. |
Width | Specifies the sparkline width. |
See Also