SnapDocument Properties
A central element of a Snap application that constitutes a report document and accounts for the creation and editing of a Snap report.Name | Description |
AbstractNumberingLists | Provides access to a collection of abstract numbering lists in the document. Inherited from Document. |
ActiveEntity | Specifies a Snap field for which the SnapEntity.Active property is enabled. Inherited from ISnapFieldOwner. |
ActiveThemeName | Returns the name of the currently applied theme. |
Bookmarks | Provides access to the collection of document bookmarks. Inherited from SubDocument. |
CalculatedFields | Provides access to a SnapDocument‘s collection of calculated fields. Inherited from IDataSourceOwner. |
CaretPosition | Gets or sets the position of the caret within the document. Inherited from Document. |
CharacterStyles | Provides access to a collection of character styles in the current document. Inherited from Document. |
Comments | Provides access to a collection of comments in the current SubDocument. Inherited from SubDocument. |
CompatibilitySettings | Provides access to the document compatibility settings. Inherited from Document. |
CustomMarks | Provides access to a collection of custom marks. Inherited from SubDocument. |
CustomProperties | Provides access to a collection of the document’s custom properties. Inherited from Document. |
CustomXmlParts | Provides access to a document’s collection of custom XML parts. Inherited from Document. |
DataSource | Specifies the datasource for the DataSourceInfo collection. Inherited from IDataSourceOwner. |
DataSources | Provides access to the collection of a document’s data sources. |
DefaultCharacterProperties | Provides access to default character formatting for the current document. Inherited from Document. |
DefaultParagraphProperties | Provides access to default paragraph formatting for the current document. Inherited from Document. |
DefaultTableProperties | Provides access to the default properties for document tables. Inherited from Document. |
DefaultTabWidth | Gets or sets the default value of a tab stop width. Inherited from Document. |
DifferentOddAndEvenPages | Gets or sets whether the document has different odd and even pages. Inherited from Document. |
DocBytes | Gets or sets the document content as an array of bytes in Microsoft Word 97-2003 format (Doc) format. Inherited from Document. |
DocmBytes | Gets or sets the document content as an array of bytes in DOCM (Microsoft Office Open XML macro-enabled document) format. Inherited from Document. |
DocumentProperties | Provides access to the collection of document’s core properties. Inherited from Document. |
DotBytes | Gets or sets the document content as an array of bytes in DOT (Microsoft Word 97-2007 Template) format. Inherited from Document. |
DotmBytes | Gets or sets the document content as an array of bytes in DOTM (Microsoft Office Open XML Macro-Enabled Template) format. Inherited from Document. |
DotxBytes | Gets or sets the document content as an array of bytes in DOTX (Microsoft Office Open XML macro-free template) format.’ Inherited from Document. |
Encryption | Provides access for the document’s encryption options. Inherited from Document. |
EndnotePosition | Gets or set the position of endnotes in the document. Inherited from Document. |
Endnotes | Provides access to document endnotes. Inherited from Document. |
Fields | Provides access to the collection of fields in the current document. Inherited from SubDocument. |
FlatOpcBytes | Gets or sets the document content as an array of bytes in FlatOpc (Microsoft Word XML Document, .xml) format. Inherited from Document. |
FlatOpcMacroEnabledBytes | Gets or sets the document content as an array of bytes in FlatOpcMacroEnabled (Microsoft Word XML Macro-Enabled Document, .xml) format. Inherited from Document. |
FlatOpcMacroEnabledTemplateBytes | Gets or sets the document content as an array of bytes in FlatOpcMacroEnabledTemplate (Microsoft Word XML Macro-Enabled Template, .xml) format. Inherited from Document. |
FlatOpcTemplateBytes | Gets or sets the document content as an array of bytes in FlatOpcTemplate (Microsoft Word XML Template, .xml) format. Inherited from Document. |
Footnotes | Provides access to the document’s footnotes. Inherited from Document. |
FormFields | Provides access to the collection of the document’s FormField objects. Inherited from SubDocument. |
HtmlText | Gets or sets the document content as HTML text. Inherited from Document. |
Hyperlinks | Provides access to a collection of hyperlinks in the document. Inherited from SubDocument. |
HyphenateCaps | Gets or sets whether to hyphenate words in CAPS. Inherited from Document. |
Hyphenation | Gets or sets whether to enable hyphenation in a document. Inherited from Document. |
Images | Provides access to the collection of all images (inline and floating pictures) in the document . Inherited from SubDocument. |
IsDocumentProtected | Gets whether document protection is enabled. Inherited from Document. |
IsEmpty | Indicates whether the document is empty, i.e. contains only default content. Inherited from Document. |
Length | Gets the character length of the document. Inherited from SubDocument. |
MhtText | Gets or sets the document content as MHT text. Inherited from Document. |
NumberingLists | Provides access to a collection of definitions for numbering lists instantiated in the document. Inherited from Document. |
OpenDocumentBytes | Gets or sets the document content as an array of bytes in Open Office Text (.odt) format. Inherited from Document. |
OpenXmlBytes | Gets or sets the document content as an array of bytes in Office Open XML (Docx) format. Inherited from Document. |
PageBackColor | Gets the background color of the page. Inherited from SubDocument. |
Paragraphs | Provides access to a collection of paragraphs. Inherited from SubDocument. |
ParagraphStyles | Provides access to a collection of paragraph styles in the current document. Inherited from Document. |
Parameters | Provides access to the report’s parameters collection. |
ProtectionType | Gets the protection type for the document. Inherited from Document. |
Range | Gets the range for the current Snap document. Inherited from SnapSubDocument. |
RequiredExportCapabilities | Obtains information on the formatting capabilities required to export the current document correctly. Inherited from Document. |
Revisions | Provides access to the collection of revisions made in the current document. Inherited from Document. |
RtfText | Gets or sets the formatted text content of the document. Inherited from Document. |
Sections | Provides access to a Snap document‘s collection of sections. |
Selection | Gets or sets the selected range in the document. Inherited from Document. |
Selections | Provides access to a collection of selections in the document. Inherited from Document. |
Shapes | Returns the collection of drawing objects in the document. Inherited from SubDocument. |
ShowPageBackground | Gets whether the page background color is shown. Inherited from SubDocument. |
TableCellStyles | Provides access to the collection of styles defined for cells in the table. |
Tables | Provides access to a collection of tables contained in the current document. Inherited from SubDocument. |
TableStyles | Provides access to a collection of styles defined for tables in the document. Inherited from Document. |
Text | Gets or sets the document’s text (plain text). Inherited from Document. |
Theme | Gets or sets the theme used in the document. Inherited from Document. |
Themes | Provides access to the collection of available themes. |
TrackChanges | Provides access to the document’s track changes options. Inherited from Document. |
Unit | Gets or sets a document’s measure units. Inherited from Document. |
UpdateDocVariablesBeforePrint | Gets or sets whether DOCVARIABLE fields are automatically updated before a document is printed or exported to PDF. Inherited from Document. |
Variables | Provides access to the collection of string values associated with document variables. Inherited from Document. |
WatermarkManager | Gets a manager that allows you to organize watermarks. Inherited from Document. |
WordMLText | Gets or sets the document content as the text in WordProcessingML (Microsoft Office Word 2003 XML) format. Inherited from Document. |
See Also