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ExceptionMessageEventArgs(ExceptionMessageOrigin, Exception, String, ExceptionMessageAction, MessageBoxImage) Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the ExceptionMessageEventArgs class with the specified settings.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.PdfViewer

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.PdfViewer.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.PdfViewer


public ExceptionMessageEventArgs(
    ExceptionMessageOrigin messageOrigin,
    Exception exception,
    string message,
    ExceptionMessageAction messageAction,
    MessageBoxImage messageImage


Name Type Description
messageOrigin ExceptionMessageOrigin

An ExceptionMessageOrigin enumeration value used to specify the origin of an exception message. The value is assigned to the ExceptionMessageEventArgs.MessageOrigin property.

exception Exception

An Exception object that represents an exception which caused the PdfViewerControl.ExceptionMessage event.

message String

A String that specifies the error description. The value is assigned to the ExceptionMessageEventArgs.Message property.

messageAction ExceptionMessageAction

An ExceptionMessageAction enumeration value that specifies how an exception should be handled. The value is assigned to the ExceptionMessageEventArgs.MessageAction property.

messageImage MessageBoxImage

A MessageBoxImage enumeration value that specifies the icon displayed in the message box. The value is assigned to the ExceptionMessageEventArgs.MessageImage property.

See Also