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How to: Create a Custom Search Panel

  • 2 minutes to read

This example demonstrates how to create a custom search panel.


If you run the application, and see a window with the following error message: ”The specified Bing Maps key is invalid. To create a developer account, refer to”, refer to the following tutorial: How to: Get a Bing Maps Key.

View Example

        <dxm:BingSearchDataProvider x:Name="searchProvider" 
                                    BingKey="{Binding Source={StaticResource bingKey}}"
                <dxm:BingSearchOptions x:Name="options"
                                       AutocorrectQuery="{Binding ElementName=cbAutocorrect, Path=IsChecked}"
                                       DistanceUnit="{Binding ElementName=lbDistanceUnits, Path=SelectedValue}"
                                       ResultsCount="{Binding ElementName=tbCount, Path=Value}">
<Button Grid.Row="2" Margin="4" Click="bSearch_Click">Search</Button>
See Also