Entity Names Autogeneration
The Scaffolding Wizard tries to determine the property that can be used as a display name for this entity.
Specific object view model (see the last base constructor call parameter):
protected CourseViewModel(IUnitOfWorkFactory<IDepartmentContextUnitOfWork> unitOfWorkFactory = null) : base(unitOfWorkFactory ?? UnitOfWorkSource.GetUnitOfWorkFactory(), x => x.Courses, x => x.Title) { }
This property value is used to display entity text in the tab header:
The ColumnBase.FieldName and BaseColumn.Header property values used to display the entity navigation property value text in the grid column.
<dxg:GridColumn FieldName="Department.Name" Header="Department" ReadOnly="True" />
The LookUpEditBase.DisplayMember and LayoutItem.Label properties used to display the entity navigation property value in the LayoutItem.
<dxlc:LayoutItem Label="Department"> <dxg:LookUpEdit EditValue="{Binding Entity.Department, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True, NotifyOnSourceUpdated=True}" ItemsSource="{Binding LookUpDepartments}" DisplayMember="Name" IsTextEditable="False" /> </dxlc:LayoutItem>
If you are not satisfied with these properties, change the mentioned property names to the correct ones.