Click the magnifier icon () within the main window Ribbon to invoke the Magnifier tool. You can scroll up or down to zoom a hovered element in or out when the Magnifier is active. Press the left mouse button to copy a color under the Magnifier’s crosshair to the clipboard.
#Skin Element Colorization and Color Mixer
DevExpress skins apply a specific hue to certain controls based on the skin’s main color. In addition to this main color, a skin can also have an accent color used to highlight elements. These colors can be applied differently depending on the current blending mode, which you can change in the Skin Settings dialog. “Color 1”, “Color 2” and “None” buttons in the main window Ribbon allow you to either colorize an element using the main color, accent color, or to desaturate this element.
You can modify main and accent colors of a skin with the help of the “Color Mixer” tool.
Note that the Color Mixer is a tool for previewing different skin color variations and not for creating new ones.