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Ribbon Status Bar


#Ribbon Status Bar

A Ribbon Status Bar is typically displayed at the bottom of a window. It is used to display various kinds of status information, providing helpful feedback to end-users. All the items displayed within the Ribbon Status Bar are represented by specific bar item links.


In XAML, a RibbonControl and RibbonStatusBarControl must be created within a BarManager object. Bar items to be used within the RibbonControl/RibbonStatusBarControl must be defined in the BarManager's BarManager.Items collection.


The Ribbon Status Bar is represented by the RibbonStatusBarControl class.

Compared to a regular status bar, the RibbonStatusBarControl has the following features:

To add items to the RibbonStatusBarControl, add bar item links to the RibbonStatusBarControl.LeftItemLinks and/or RibbonStatusBarControl.RightItemLinks collections.
