BarManager Class
Represents a container for bar containers, managing operations on bars and popup menus.
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Bars
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v14.2.dll
[ToolboxTabName("DX.14.2: Navigation & Layout")]
public class BarManager :
For a window to support the Bars functionality, you need to use a BarManager component as a container of the bars and your controls. The BarManager component is the main element of the DXBars for Silverlight suite. It represents a container for bar containers (objects displaying bars) and it provides methods to manage bar items, categories, bars and popup menus.
The basic steps of displaying bars on-screen and embedding commands into bars are as follows:
- Create bars and add them to the BarManager.Bars collection.
- Create bar items, representing various commands, editors, static text, etc and add them to the BarManager.Items collection.
- Add the required bar items to a bar's BarItemLinkHolderBase.ItemLinks collection. When adding a bar item to this collection, a bar item link is created referring to this bar item, and it's added to the collection instead. You can add a single bar item to multiple bars, sub-menus and menus.
- To allow bars to be docked to the window, create a bar container(s) (a BarContainerControl object), which is a visual object. This can be performed either implicitly via the BarManager.CreateStandardLayout property, or manually.
- To dock a bar to a bar container, bind the bar to the container via the Bar.DockInfo property. See the BarContainerControl topic to learn more.
To make a bar floating, set the bar's Bar.DockInfo.ContainerType property to Floating.
There is no need to create bar containers to allow bars to be floating. Bar containers are only required to dock a bar to the window.