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RibbonStatusBarControl Class

Represents a status bar which is typically displayed at the bottom of the application window.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Ribbon

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Ribbon.v14.2.dll


[ToolboxTabName("DX.14.2: Navigation & Layout")]
public class RibbonStatusBarControl :

#Returned By

Properties and methods that return RibbonStatusBarControl instances:


A status bar is typically positioned at the bottom of a parent window, and it usually displays various kinds of status information, providing helpful feedback to end-users.

Commands, submenus, static text, editors and other in-ribbon elements are represented by corresponding bar item objects. For these objects to be displayed within a RibbonControl and RibbonStatusBarControl, they first must be created within a BarManager object, representing a storage of bar items. The RibbonControl and RibbonStatusBarControl must be children of this BarManager, i.e. must be declared in XAML between the BarManager start and end tags.

To add items to the RibbonStatusBarControl, use the RibbonStatusBarControl.LeftItemLinks and/or RibbonStatusBarControl.RightItemLinks collections.

To learn more, see Ribbon Status Bar.


This example shows how to add commands to a RibbonStatusBarControl. The commands are added to the RibbonStatusBarControl.RightItemLinks and RibbonStatusBarControl.LeftItemLinks collections. So, they will be aligned to the bar's right and left edges, respectively.

The following image shows the result:


See Also