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SectionColumns.CreateUniformColumns(SectionPage, Single, Int32) Method

Creates a uniform column layout using the current page settings.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Native

Assembly: DevExpress.RichEdit.v24.1.Core.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.RichEdit.Core, DevExpress.Win.Navigation


SectionColumnCollection CreateUniformColumns(
    SectionPage page,
    float columnSpacing,
    int columnCount


Name Type Description
page SectionPage

A SectionPage object representing a current page.

columnSpacing Single

A Single value specifying the spacing between adjacent columns, measured in Document.Unit.

columnCount Int32

An Int32 value specifying the number of columns on a page. Must be greater than zero.


Type Description

A SectionColumnCollection object representing a collection of columns.


Use the CreateUniformColumns method to create a layout with the specified number of columns on a page. To apply the layout to a section, use the SectionColumns.SetColumns method, as illustrated below:

using DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Native;
// ...
richEditControl1.Document.Unit = DocumentUnit.Inch;

Section sectionDoc = richEditControl1.Document.Sections[0];
SectionColumnCollection sectionColumnsLayout = sectionDoc.Columns.CreateUniformColumns(sectionDoc.Page, 0.25f, 3);

The following code snippets (auto-collected from DevExpress Examples) contain references to the CreateUniformColumns(SectionPage, Single, Int32) method.


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See Also