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SheetView.Zoom Property

Returns or specifies the zoom percentage for a sheet.

Namespace: DevExpress.Spreadsheet

Assembly: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.v24.1.Core.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.Core


int Zoom { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

The zoom percentage.


This example demonstrates how to zoom a worksheet view (Worksheet.ActiveView). To do this, set the WorksheetView.Zoom property to an integer value that specifies the required zoom factor for a worksheet view.


To specify how a worksheet should be scaled when it is printed, use the WorksheetPrintOptions.Scale property of the object accessed via Worksheet.PrintOptions. Refer to the How to: Specify Print Settings document for details on how to specify print options for a worksheet.

View Example

// Zoom in the worksheet view. 
workbook.Worksheets[0].ActiveView.Zoom = 150;

Zoom a worksheet

The DocumentOptions.ZoomMode property specifies whether the zoom percentage applies to all worksheet views (WorksheetZoomMode.AllViews) or the current view only (WorksheetZoomMode.ActiveView).


The WinForms, WPF and ASP.NET Spreadsheet controls can display the Normal worksheet view only.

The following code snippets (auto-collected from DevExpress Examples) contain references to the Zoom property.


The algorithm used to collect these code examples remains a work in progress. Accordingly, the links and snippets below may produce inaccurate results. If you encounter an issue with code examples below, please use the feedback form on this page to report the issue.

See Also