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RangeExtensions.GroupColumns(CellRange, Boolean) Method

Groups columns that comprise the cell range.

Namespace: DevExpress.Spreadsheet

Assembly: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.v24.1.Core.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.Core


public static void GroupColumns(
    this CellRange range,
    bool collapse


Name Type Description
range CellRange

A CellRange object specifying a cell range that belongs to columns to be grouped.

collapse Boolean

true, if the created group is collapsed; otherwise, false.


The GroupColumns method is an extension method of the CellRange object that is called by using the instance method syntax.

To ungroup columns, use the RangeExtensions.UnGroupColumns method.

Another way to group and ungroup columns in the worksheet is to use the ColumnCollection.Group and ColumnCollection.UnGroup methods (see the How to: Outline Data Manually document).

See Also