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IRangeProvider.Union(CellRange[]) Method

Creates a complex range that is the union of multiple ranges.

Namespace: DevExpress.Spreadsheet

Assembly: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.v24.1.Core.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.Core


CellRange Union(
    params CellRange[] ranges


Name Type Description
ranges CellRange[]

An array of CellRange objects.


Type Description

A CellRange composed of multiple ranges.


A complex (union) range can be also created by multiple selection in a worksheet. A complex range can be used in the same manner as a simple range. The CellRange.Areas property provides access to the ranges to which a complex range is comprised.

This example demonstrates how to create a complex (union) range. There are several ways to accomplish this.

Ranges which comprise a complex range can be accessed using the CellRange.Areas property.

View Example

CellRange rangeA1D4 = worksheet["A1:D4"];
CellRange rangeD5E7 = worksheet["D5:E7"];
CellRange rangeRow11 = worksheet["11:11"];
CellRange rangeF7 = worksheet["F7"];

// Create a complex range using the Range.Union method.
CellRange complexRange1 = worksheet["A7:A9"].Union(rangeD5E7);

// Create a complex range using the IRangeProvider.Union method.
CellRange complexRange2 = worksheet.Range.Union(new CellRange[] { rangeRow11, rangeA1D4, rangeF7 });

// Fill the ranges with different colors.
complexRange1.FillColor = myColor1;
complexRange2.FillColor = myColor2;

// Use the Areas property to get access to a component of a complex range.
complexRange2.Areas[2].FillColor = Color.Beige;

The following code snippets (auto-collected from DevExpress Examples) contain references to the Union(CellRange[]) method.


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See Also