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Safe Deserialization

  • 5 minutes to read

DevExpress controls use a safety mechanism for all deserialization operations to improve app security. An exception is thrown if a control attempts to load an unsafe type.

#Deserialize Trusted Types

You should review all unsafe type exceptions. If you trust a certain exception type, use the following code to enable deserialization:


Call the following method to trust all exception types from a specific assembly:

DevExpress.Utils.DeserializationSettings.RegisterTrustedAssembly("CustomAssembly, Version=x.x.x.x, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");  

#Trust a Section of Your Code

If you trust a data source that raised a given security exception, you can turn off safe deserialization for certain sections of code:

    // Trusted deserialization.  
    // gridView1.RestoreLayoutFromXml(fileName);  

#Resolve Assembly and Data Type Loads

DevExpress UI controls may call methods such as Assembly.Load or Type.GetType() internally, to load assemblies and data types dynamically. Use the DevExpress.Utils.BindToTypePolicy if you require greater control over assembly/type loading. The policy allows you to inspect assemblies/types and cancel the load operation or type resolution based on a specific condition.

#Resolve Unknown Assembly Loads

The policy raises the BindToTypePolicy.QueryAssemblyLoad event when DevExpress UI controls load assemblies. Handle this event to spot an “unknown” assembly before it is loaded, check its name, and allow or cancel the operation.

The following example demonstrates how to load a specific version from multiple versions of an assembly:

void BindToTypePolicy_QueryAssemblyLoad(object sender, BindToTypePolicy.QueryAssemblyLoadEventArgs e) {
    if(e.AssemblyName.StartsWith("EntityFramework", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
        // Loads a specific assembly version distributed with the application.
        var appDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(Program).Assembly.Location);
        string path = Path.Combine(appDirectory, @"..\\Lib", "EntityFramework.dll");
        e.Assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(path);

Event parameters include:

  • e.AssemblyName – Gets the assembly name.
  • e.IsKnownType – Gets whether the type is whitelisted (the type is safe).
  • e.Cancel – Set this parameter to true to cancel the operation.


You can also call the following methods at application startup to apply a restrictive policy:

static void Main() {
    Application.Run(new Form1());  

#Resolve Unknown Data Types

Handle the BindToTypePolicy.QueryBindToType event to spot dynamic loading of a type, check its name and assembly, and allow the type resolve operation. The policy fires this event every time DevExpress UI controls call the Type.GetType() method.

void BindToTypePolicy_QueryBindToType(object sender, BindToTypePolicy.QueryBindToTypeEventArgs e) {
    if(!e.IsKnownType) {
        // Resolves custom datasource types for DevExpress Reports.
        if(e.TypeName == "ProductsJsonDataSource")
            e.Type = typeof(ProductsJsonDataSource);
        if(e.TypeName == "UsersJsonDataSource")
            e.Type = typeof(UsersJsonDataSource);

Event parameters include:

  • e.IsKnownType – Gets whether the type is whitelisted (the type is safe).
  • e.Type – Gets or sets the type. Use this parameter to resolve the type.
  • e.TypeName – Gets the type name.
  • e.Assembly – Gets the assembly that contains the processed type.
  • e.AssemblyName – Gets the assembly name.
  • e.AssemblyQualifiedTypeName – Gets the assembly-qualified name of the type, which includes the name of the assembly from which this Type object is being loaded.
  • e.Cancel – Set this parameter to true to cancel type resolution.


Handle the BindToTypePolicy.QueryNonTrustedTypeValidation event to validate blacklisted and “unknown” types. The policy does not fire this event to whitelisted/trusted types.

static void BindToTypePolicy_QueryNonTrustedTypeValidation(object sender, BindToTypePolicy.QueryNonTrustedTypeValidationEventArgs e) {
      throw new MyAppLicationSecurityException(e.AssemlyQualifiedTypeName);
  if(e.AssemblyName == typeof(Program).Assembly.FullName)
  if(e.TypeName == "ObsoleteJsonDataSource")

#Example: How to Log Assembly/Type Loads

void BindToTypePolicy_QueryAssemblyLoad(object sender, BindToTypePolicy.QueryAssemblyLoadEventArgs e) {
void BindToTypePolicy_QueryBindToType(object sender, BindToTypePolicy.QueryBindToTypeEventArgs e) {

#Deserialize System.Object Properties

DevExprress UI controls serialize and deserialize System.Object properties if properties are marked with the XtraSerializableProperty attribute (for example, the Tag property) and contain simple data types (primitive data type, string, decimal, DateTime, Guid, and nullable variants of these types). System.Object properties that contain custom type values are not (de)serialized automatically.

(De)Serialization for a custom type is only possible for a string. You can implement a converter (use the IOneTypeObjectConverter interface) that converts a custom type to/from a string. The converter is invoked automatically whenever our (de)serialization mechanism encounters a registered custom type.

The following example demonstrates how to create a simple type converter and register it at application startup:

using DevExpress.Utils.Serializing.Helpers;  

struct CustomType {  
    public readonly int Value;  
    public CustomType(int value) {  
        this.Value = value;  

public class CustomTypeConverter : IOneTypeObjectConverter {  
    public Type Type {  
        get { return typeof(CustomType); }  
    public string ToString(object obj) {  
        return ((CustomType)obj).Value.ToString("D");  
    public object FromString(string str) {  
        return new CustomType(int.Parse(str));  

// Register the converter at application startup.  
ObjectConverter.Instance.RegisterConverter(new CustomTypeConverter()); 

#Breaking Changes

#See Also

Reporting — Safe Deserialization