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Configure a Project

  • 2 minutes to read

You can create a new project from templates or add DevExtreme to an existing project.

#Create a New Project from Templates

DevExtreme ASP.NET MVC controls ship with the DevExtreme ASP.NET MVC 5 Application (C#) and DevExtreme ASP.NET MVC 5 Application (Visual Basic) project templates.

Each template includes all server-side and client-side resources required for the controls, and provides an example of how to configure the DataGrid control.

You can access a template:

  • In the standard New Project dialog. Project Templates

  • In the DevExpress Template Gallery.

    To run the DevExpress Template Gallery, select the DevExpress v24.2 Template Gallery item in the New Project dialog and click Next.

    Open Template Gallery

    In the Template Gallery, choose the ASP.NET platform and the desired template.

    Template Gallery

When you select the template, Visual Studio creates a project with the DataGrid control. You can also add other controls to a project.

#Add DevExtreme to an Existing Project

To configure an existing project to use DevExtreme ASP.NET MVC controls, add DevExtreme resources to the project:

  1. Open your project in Visual Studio (see supported versions).

  2. Right-click the project in the Solution Explorer window and select the Add DevExtreme to the Project command in the menu.

    Project Converter Context Menu Item

  3. In the invoked dialog box, click OK.

    Project Converter Confirmation Dialog

  4. Wait a few seconds while DevExtreme and its dependencies are added. This process is logged in the Output window.

    Project Converter Output Window


Certain resources that provide specific functionality are added, but not linked. To link them, uncomment corresponding code lines in the App_Start/DevExtremeBundleConfig.cs or App_Start/DevExtremeBundleConfig.vb file.