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ChartDashboardLayoutItem Attached Properties

Allows you to specify the style and templates to customize the ChartDashboardItem appearance.
Name Description
AreaSeriesStyle static An attached property that applies style settings to the Area series in the underlying Chart control.
AxisXStyle static An attached property that applies style settings to the underlying Chart control (AxisX2D object).
BarSeriesStyle static An attached property that applies style settings to the Bar series in the underlying Chart control.
BarStackedSeriesStyle static An attached property that applies style settings to the Stacked and Full-Stacked Bar series in the underlying Chart control.
BubbleSeriesStyle static An attached property that applies style settings to the Bubble weighted series in the underlying Chart control.
CandleStickSeriesStyle static An attached property that applies style settings to the Open-High-Low-Close (Candle Stick) series in the underlying Chart control.
DiagramStyle static An attached property that applies style settings to the underlying Chart control (XYDiagram2D object).
LegendStyle static An attached property that applies style settings to the underlying Chart control (Legend object).
LineSeriesStyle static An attached property that applies style settings to the Line series in the underlying Chart control.
PointSeriesStyle static An attached property that applies style settings to the Point series in the underlying Chart control.
RangeAreaSeriesStyle static An attached property that applies style settings to the Range Area series in the underlying Chart control.
RangeBarSeriesStyle static An attached property that applies style settings to the Range Bar series in the underlying Chart control.
SecondaryAxisYStyle static An attached property that applies style settings to the underlying Chart control (SecondaryAxisY2D object).
StackedAreaSeriesStyle static An attached property that applies style settings to the Range Bar series.
StockSeriesStyle static An attached property that applies style settings to the High-Low-Close and Stock series.
ViewStyle An attached property that applies style settings to the underlying control. Inherited from DashboardLayoutItem.
See Also