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DashboardParameter.SelectAllValues Property

Gets or sets whether all available parameter values are initially selected. This option has restrictions on dynamic look-up lists.

Namespace: DevExpress.DashboardCommon

Assembly: DevExpress.Dashboard.v24.1.Core.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Dashboard.Core


public override bool SelectAllValues { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Default Description
Boolean false

true, to select all parameter values by default; otherwise, false.


Set the SelectAllValues option to true to select all parameter values in the look-up list after the dashboard loads. The option is in effect if the Parameter.AllowMultiselect property is true.

Use the SelectAllValues option for static list look-up.


For dynamic list look-up, this option is advisable only if the expression that contains the parameter applies to the data source from which the look-up list originates.

See Also