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CardItemDeltaFormatRule Constructors

A format rule that is calculated by delta and used to apply conditional formatting to the Card dashboard item.
Name Parameters Description
CardItemDeltaFormatRule() none Initializes a new instance of the CardItemDeltaFormatRule class.
CardItemDeltaFormatRule(Card, DeltaValueType, CardFormatRuleLayoutElement) card, deltaValueType, layoutElementType Initializes a new instance of the CardItemDeltaFormatRule class with specified settings.
CardItemDeltaFormatRule(Card, DeltaValueType) card, deltaValueType Initializes a new instance of the CardItemDeltaFormatRule class with specified settings.
CardItemDeltaFormatRule(Card) card Initializes a new instance of the CardItemDeltaFormatRule class with specified settings.
See Also