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Create and Load a Dashboard

  • 2 minutes to read

You can display an existing dashboard or use the Dashboard Designer in Visual Studio to create a new dashboard. To do this, click the control’s smart tag and select the Set Dashboard Source command.


Next, select one of the following commands in the invoked menu:


#Create New Dashboard

Clicking the Create New Dashboard menu item invokes the Dashboard Designer.


Here you can create a new dashboard or load an existing dashboard from an XML file. See Create Dashboards in the Visual Studio Designer for more information.

After you have created a dashboard, the DashboardControl initializes the DashboardControl.DashboardSource property as follows:

<dxdash:DashboardControl DashboardSource="{x:Type local:Dashboard1}"/>

#Load from XML

The Load from XML command allows you to load an existing dashboard XML file. For instance, you can load a dashboard created in the WinForms Dashboard Designer.

The code sample below demonstrates how to load a dashboard from an XML file:

<dxdash:DashboardControl DashboardSource="C:\Temp\Dashboard.xml"/>

You can also specify a relative path to a dashboard file placed in the current project…

<dxdash:DashboardControl DashboardSource="..\..\Dashboard.xml"/>

… or use pack URI:

<dxdash:DashboardControl DashboardSource="pack://application:,,,/Dashboard.xml"/>

#API Members

API Description
DashboardControl.DashboardSource Gets or sets a dashboard source for the DashboardControl.
DashboardControl.LoadDashboard Loads a dashboard from a stream.
DashboardControl.Dashboard Gets or sets the opened dashboard.
DashboardControl.DashboardLoaded Occurs after the DashboardControl loads a dashboard.