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RecurrenceInfoXmlPersistenceHelper(IRecurrenceInfo, DateTimeSavingMode) Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the RecurrenceInfoXmlPersistenceHelper class with specified settings.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Xml

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v19.2.Core.dll


public RecurrenceInfoXmlPersistenceHelper(
    IRecurrenceInfo recurrenceInfo,
    DateTimeSavingMode dateTimeSavingMode


Name Type Description
recurrenceInfo IRecurrenceInfo

A IRecurrenceInfo object, containing information about appointment occurrences.

dateTimeSavingMode DateTimeSavingMode

Specifies what time zone to use to calculate the Start and End values. If it is set to the DateTimeSavingMode.Appointment value and the pattern has its Appointment.TimeZoneId, the pattern time zone is used for calculations. Otherwise, the default (storage) time zone is used.

See Also