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AppointmentModificationControllerBase Properties

Serves as a base class to provide the basic functionality for managing the appointment at the appointment’s editing form.
Name Description
AllDay Gets or sets a value indicating if the appointment currently being edited in the form is an All-day appointment.
AppointmentType Gets the type of appointment.
CanDeleteAppointment Gets a value that indicates if the appointment currently being edited in the form can be deleted.
CanEditResource Gets a value that indicates whether the resource can be changed for the appointment which is currently being edited in the form.
Description Gets or sets the text that will be displayed as the description of the appointment currently being edited in the form.
EditedAppointmentCopy Gets the copy of the appointment currently being edited in the form.
EditedPattern Gets the appointment pattern currently being edited in the Recurrence form.
End Gets or sets the value representing the appointment’s end time within the editing form.
HasReminder Gets or sets a value that indicates whether one or more reminders are associated with the currently edited appointment.
IsDateTimeEditable Informs whether the appointment is in conflict with another, and they are not reconciled.
IsNewAppointment Checks whether the currently edited appointment is a new and individual object.
IsRecurrentAppointment Gets whether the appointment currently being edited is a recurrent appointment.
IsTimeEnabled Gets whether the Start and End time editors are enabled on the form.
LabelId Obsolete. Gets or sets the identifier of a label, associated with the appointment. Obsolete. Use the Appointment.LabelKey property instead.
LabelKey Gets or sets the identifier of a label, associated with the appointment.
Location Gets or sets the text, describing the site where the scheduled event happens.
ReadOnly Gets or sets whether the current appointment is read-only.
ReminderTimeBeforeStart Gets or sets the time interval ahead of the appointment’s start time to activate the reminder.
ResourceId Gets or sets the unique identifier of the resource associated with the current appointment, or the ID of the first resource if resource sharing is enabled.
ResourceIds Gets the identifiers of all the resources which are associated with the current appointment.
ResourceSharing Gets a value indicating whether an appointment can be shared between multiple resources.
Start Gets or sets the value, representing the appointment’s start time within the editing form.
StatusId Obsolete. Gets or sets the integer identifier of the availability status, associated with the appointment. Obsolete. Use the AppointmentModificationControllerBase.StatusKey property instead.
StatusKey Gets or sets the identifier of the availability status (Appointment.StatusKey property), associated with the appointment.
Subject Gets or sets the text of the appointment’s subject.
TimeZoneEnabled This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
TimeZoneId This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
TimeZonesEnabled Gets whether the appointment’s time zone information can be edited in the form.
TimeZoneVisible Gets or sets whether time zone editor should be displayed.
See Also