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PivotGridFieldBase.ExpandedInFieldsGroup Property

Gets or sets the expansion status of the current field if it belongs to a field group.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraPivotGrid

Assembly: DevExpress.PivotGrid.v24.1.Core.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.PivotGrid.Core, DevExpress.Win.Navigation


public bool ExpandedInFieldsGroup { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

true if the field is expanded in a field group; otherwise, false.


Fields can be combined into field groups via the PivotGridControl.Groups property. Grouped fields are treated as a whole and are always displayed within the same area. An end-user cannot separate these fields by dragging one of them to a different area or hiding it to the customization form.

Grouped fields can be collapsed and expanded by clicking the expand buttons. Collapsing/expanding a grouped field header collapses/expands columns or rows that correspond to grouped child fields.

The ExpandedInFieldsGroup property lets you get or modify the expansion status of grouped fields via code.

The following image shows a sample XtraPivotGrid control. The “Order Year” and “Order Quarter” fields are combined into a group.


Collapsing the “Order Year” field hides the “Order Quarter” field header and the field values that correspond to this field:


See Also